The Return of the Ages

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Authors Note: Soooo I was not expecting this... I got one request, and I quickly became inspired soooo here's Book Three of Unforeseen Love. Hope you enjoy it and tell me how you feel about it but I will let you know that I will be adding more scenes on a later date and will be editing it too. Also, there is a Spotify playlist for this series and my other series so please give it a listen, you can just search up the Oc's name for it. Pictures from Google. If there are any questions, please leave a comment! I will respond as quickly as possible! Special thank you to @JessicaJohnstonGmail, sorry if it's not that good.

King Acama was a quiet man. He never really had to speak as his wife was always taking charge, no matter how important or insignificant the situation was; he always could rely on his wife to take charge and do the work for him. He once lived a peaceful life, unlike his wife who was born into the royal family; Acama was once a member of the royal guard who took his role seriously (quickly rising up the ranks with ease) until he became partnered with Vegara. He never had to attend meetings where all the people did around him was talk his ears off about subjects that bore him, nor did he ever had to spend every waking moment sitting and staring off into the distance with only a small flask to keep him company. Unlike his wife, who was used to the schedule and strived in it, Acama couldn't help but let his mind wonder. Mostly about what his life would have been like if it wasn't for the beast with the golden eyes. 

Acama was never popular amongst the guards, but he was popular among the civilians and nobles of Strallex; he even had a few admirers, one of them just so happened to be the future queen of Strallex. Without really knowing the man, Vegara had swooped in and quickly partner up with Acama. At the beginning, he believed it was because of their opposite personalities worked well together but quickly realized it was because he wouldn't get in and interfere with her plans. He didn't mind much, he had power and enough free time to still practice his fighting and enjoy a peaceful rich life but being a father so quickly wasn't something that he wanted. Yet there he was, only a couple of nights of marriage and already a father to a human no less. 

Celestia was a quiet child, always reading and staring. It irked him incredibly that there was just a child, a human child, that was just there playing a role that was always meant for her. Even though he was told about the reasoning for having such a child in his new family, he still couldn't help but keep a watchful eye on the child, waiting for her to amaze him, to prove his worth just like how he did.  He had heard about the previous Great Stars, how amazing they were but Celestia was not amazing. She was simply a child. A child with a rich history that did nothing to impress him.  

Throughout the years that Celestia was in the kingdom, Acama spent maybe a month entirely getting to learn and interact with the young girl, who quickly grew and matured more and more with every meeting. Out of all the times they had come across each other, there was only one time that Acama actually cared about. The very first and last time Celestia read his stars. 

It was a quiet day when Celestia returned from her ceremony and Acama had just finished his first flask of the day when the now blinded little girl had accidentally run into him. Her hand had accidently brushed against his and that was enough to trigger her new abilities, forcing her to see his stars and reveal to him the true reason as to why he was chosen by Vegara. 

<Time Skip: Right after the end of Part One>

"Are you sure about this?" the Doctor asked his wife, who was sitting down on an empty table as he paced back and forth behind her. "What if they start something? What if they throw us in the dungeon? Can they even do that?" he kept on chittering about as the Astronomer patiently waited for the stars of the hour. 

After the Doctor found her in the console room and gently woke her up, The Astronomer had decided to go visit her 'parents', saying that it was very important and necessary for their future. 

Unforeseen Love: The Story of Us Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now