Chapter 21 : The final break Elizabeth

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Chap 21

Lizzie had felt the weight of the distance growing between her and Robbie for months. Despite the therapy sessions and talks about starting a family, things just weren’t working. The harder they tried to push through, the clearer it became that they were holding onto something that had already slipped through their fingers.

The breaking point came one quiet evening after Robbie returned home from a late-night gig. Lizzie had been waiting for him, sitting on the couch, turning a glass of water in her hands, trying to muster the courage for what needed to be said.

“Robbie, we need to talk,” Lizzie began, her voice steady but soft.

Robbie, tired from his long night, slumped into the chair across from her. He could already sense the seriousness in her tone. “What’s on your mind?”

Lizzie hesitated, then took a deep breath. “I’ve been thinking... about us. About where we’re headed. And I’ve realized something. I’m not sure I’ve ever truly let go of my past. Of Y/N.”

The words hung in the air, heavy and painful but honest.

Robbie sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, clearly exhausted but not surprised. “I knew this was coming,” he admitted quietly. “I’ve felt it for a while, Liz. You don’t have to say it.”

Lizzie’s heart ached at the sadness in his voice. “I never wanted to hurt you, Robbie. I care about you so much. But I’ve been holding onto this idea that we could make this work because... I wanted to move on. I wanted to love you the way you deserve to be loved. But the truth is... a part of me is still in love with Y/N.”

Robbie nodded, staring at the floor. “I’ve always known that. Even if you didn’t say it outright, it was there. I thought maybe if we tried hard enough, we could make it work. But I’ve realized something too.”

Lizzie looked at him, her heart tightening in her chest. “What’s that?”

Robbie lifted his gaze to meet hers, a conflicted look on his face. “I can love you with everything I have, but I’ll never be Y/N for you. And that’s okay. I deserve someone who can love me fully, without any shadows from the past. But…” He hesitated, frustration creeping into his voice. “I need to be honest with you. There’s something I’ve been keeping from you.”

Lizzie felt a knot of anxiety form in her stomach. “What is it?”

Robbie ran a hand through his hair, clearly agitated. “I’ve started seeing someone else. It’s my bandmate, Jenna. I didn’t plan for it to happen, but with her... it’s different. I feel better when I’m with her. It’s like I can breathe again. I know it’s not fair to you, but I just needed to be honest about where I’m at.”

Lizzie's heart sank. “So you’ve been with her while we’re still trying to make this work?”

Robbie shook his head, frustration mingling with sadness. “No, it’s not like that. We didn’t set out to be anything. It just happened when I was feeling lost. I thought I could fix things between us, but it seems I was running away from the reality that we’re not meant to be.”

Tears welled up in Lizzie’s eyes. “I can’t believe this. I thought we were trying to rebuild something together.”

Robbie’s expression softened, regret flooding his features. “We were, and I wanted to. But I kept feeling like I was competing with the ghost of Y/N. With Jenna, I don’t feel that pressure. I can be myself, and I can feel free. It hurts me to say this, but it’s the truth.”

Lizzie swallowed hard, trying to process his words. “You deserve to be happy, Robbie. But I just wish you had been honest with me sooner.”

Robbie nodded, remorseful. “I didn’t want to hurt you. But now I see that keeping this from you was a mistake. I love you, but I can’t ignore how I feel about Jenna.”

The air was thick with unspoken emotions as they sat in silence. It wasn’t bitter or angry, just the quiet understanding that they had both tried their best, but sometimes love isn’t enough to fix what’s broken.

Robbie squeezed her hand gently. “I love you, Lizzie. But I think it’s time we both let go. You need to find your own way, and so do I.”

Lizzie nodded, tears slipping down her cheeks. “I love you too, Robbie. And I’m grateful for everything we’ve shared. But you’re right. It’s time.”

Letting Go with Grace

The next few days were emotional but peaceful. They packed up their shared memories, dividing their belongings with kindness rather than resentment. Robbie made plans to move out, giving Lizzie the space she needed to figure out her next steps.

On their final evening together, they shared one last quiet dinner at home. It wasn’t filled with sadness but rather a sense of mutual respect. They had been through so much together, and though their journey was ending, it wasn’t in anger or bitterness.

As they finished their meal, Robbie looked at Lizzie with a soft smile. “You’re going to be okay, Liz. And so am I.”

Lizzie returned the smile, feeling a strange sense of peace. “Yeah, I think we will be.”

The New Beginning

A week later, Robbie left their apartment for the last time. He hugged Lizzie tightly, holding her just a little longer than usual, before stepping out into the hallway. As he walked away, Lizzie felt a strange mixture of sadness and relief. It was over, but in its place was the possibility of something new—something more true to who she was.

She stood at the window, watching as Robbie’s car disappeared down the street. For the first time in a long while, she didn’t feel the crushing weight of uncertainty. She wasn’t sure where life would take her next, but she knew one thing for sure: she was ready to let go of the past and start again.

And as she closed the door on that chapter of her life, she felt lighter—free.


Epilogue: A Letter from Robbie

A few weeks later, Lizzie received a letter from Robbie. It was short but heartfelt, a final goodbye of sorts.


I hope this letter finds you well. I just wanted to thank you for everything. For loving me, even when it wasn’t easy, and for being brave enough to let go when we both knew it was time. I don’t regret anything we shared. It’s just time for us to find our own paths now.

Take care of yourself, and I hope you find the happiness and peace you deserve. Maybe one day, we’ll look back on this and realize it was the best thing we could’ve done for ourselves.

With love, Robbie”

Lizzie smiled as she read the words. She folded the letter and placed it in a drawer, knowing that while this chapter of her life had come to an end, a new one was just beginning.

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