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I hadn't been out of the apartment for days, weeks even and all of this was getting too much. I presumed Paislee's parents wouldn't let her come round my house anymore because I hadn't seen her since the night at the hospital. I knew that she'd be upset but she should be here for me, it was my sister that died after all. But no, not even a call to check that I'm okay.

It had been 35 days to be exact ever since Effie passed away and I thought I'd be able to cope on my own but there are so many little things that set me off such as receiving texts of condolences, smelling her perfume or seeing her belongings lying around as I went downstairs to answer the pizza delivery man. But today was a big day for me and I was not prepared to let any memories of Effie ruin it. I needed to move on, God knows everyone else had.

I pulled the tight burrito style duvet off my semi naked body and hobbled over to my bedroom door. Walking into the bathroom, I grab an over-sized Ramones t-shirt and take it with me. As I looked over to the mirror, it finally hit me how much I had let go of myself over the past few weeks. Wow, I was a mess.

I decided to have a cold shower to make myself look the least bit presentable for where I was going today and to ensure I didn't smell like complete trash.

Today wasn't going to be bad, so long as I didn't screw up. I was heading over to the International Adoption Agency to put myself up for adoption. I can't stay here anymore and I have no family left whatsoever so I'm just looking for kind people to take me in as their own. That's all I'm asking for.

I began to dry my tangled medium auburn hair with the hair dryer when my phone began to buzz.

I had filled in an application sheet on the internet for the adoption agency and it was easier than I thought. Now all I had to do was go down there to be talked through the next steps and my opportunities. The sheet said that I would receive a call on the day of my visit to the center to confirm I was still going.

"Hello?" I said, my voice cracking slightly because this was my first conversation with an actual human in a while.

"Hi, this is International Adoption Guide. We are just calling to confirm you will be visiting us to go over some paperwork. Is this correct?" a snobby woman asks on the other end of the call.

"Yeah, I'll be there in about 20 minutes" I explain.

"Okay, see you then" she says, hanging up the phone before I had chance to say goodbye. How lovely.

I carry on getting changed, not bothering what clothes I wore, just slipping on some black skinny jeans and keeping my Ramones tee on. As I walk across the landing, I catch a glimpse of Effie's room and suddenly feel sick. No, Mia stop. Your sister's death can't ruin your chances of actually being apart of a loving family. I continue past her room and into the messy kitchen. I fish around the fruit bowl and pull out a ripe apple, taking a bite as I slip my vans on. Grabbing my keys off the side, I leave the house and begin walking down the street. It's actually sunny for a change which helps with the fact that I have to walk to this place, wherever it is. I check my phone and notice I have 5 minutes to get there. Crap.


"We looked over your files and agreed that it is best you move away from Notting Hill. There is a family in Australia that are willing to take you in, but only if you're comfortable with that. It's entirely up to you."

"Australia? That's quite far.." I trail off. I want to move away from here and there's nothing stopping me anymore, but Australia? That's the other side of the freaking world.

"We understand. But would you at least like to see a photo of the adoptive parents in Australia? You can of course make up your own mind but there are some rules and regulations we must go over first. You will have to change your name for safety reasons and you can talk about your previous life if you would like to, but we advise not to. It will probably just cause confusion. Would you like me to go and get the files? " the brunette haired woman asked, holding a chunk of paperwork in her had that I previously had to read through and signed.

It couldn't hurt to at least look at them. Maybe it was a good idea to move away, maybe that's just what I needed. A new scene and hopefully some new friends.

I simply nod and the brunette girl speed walks away, probably going to fetch some files for me to look at.

She finally returns with two photos and a sheet of paper. I instantly become nervous and it hits me that these could be my new parents. This could mean I leave Notting Hill forever and move away. This could be the start to a new life. And the worse part is, I want it to be.



so as some of you may know and some of you may not, I'm good friends with hemmingsdecay and we've decided to make our fanfics cross reference so hers will be in the perspective of Isabella Fletcher (who will appear in my fanfic in a later chapter) and yeah, so head over to hemmingsdecay to read Cyber which is based around the character Isabella.

IN OTHER NEWS this was just a filler chapter so I'm sorry if it was shit

all the chapters you have read so far are just to give you background info on Mia before shit gets real (:

anyways, see you guys soon

Mol x

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