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I wake up to pure coldness. The heat that usually radiates off Calum's body isn't present and I sense it straight away, causing me to become wide awake.

I reach over to my bedside table, picking up my phone and unlocking it. The brightness of the screen almost blinds me but my eyes soon adjust to it and display my notifications.

Received (09:33) ~ Calum

Wake up and come over

Received (09:35) ~ Calum

It felt weird waking up without you this morning

Received (09:48) ~ Calum

I literally knew you wouldn't be awake so I don't know why I'm even texting

Received (9:59) ~ Calum

Just get your ass over here when you wake, love you

He knew me too well.

I stretch my arms out and pull the sheets off my body, thankfully greeted by warm air flowing round my bedroom.

Messily tying my hair into a bun, I change into my favourite grey jogging bottoms and throw on a black crop top.

I head downstairs so find out neither Eve nor Jason were in the house and of course, Isabella wasn't awake yet. Rummaging through the cupboards, I find the last mini pack of Coco Pops and pour them into a ceramic bowl, adding milk as I go along accidentally spilling some on the counter. Typical Molly.

Once I had finished eating my cereal, I head upstairs to the attic - where Isabella was staying - and walk in to see her buried beneath the mass of duvet on top of her. Her makeshift bed on the floor seemed to not be so comfy but the state she was currently in proved otherwise. She was completely out of it.

Instead of worrying her by abruptly waking her from her sleep, I gently close the door and head back down stairs.

It was so weird how the house was in complete silence for once, I was used to subtle music being played in the kitchen where Eve was cooking or the faint sound of the football on the TV Jason was watching. But today you could hear a pin drop.

I didn't bother to put on makeup or dress up because I was purely just popping round Calum's before I had to go out and get Isabella's birthday present. Tomorrow was her birthday and not only had I not got her anything yet, but I also somehow had to plan a surprise party for her.

I had already suggested to Michael he should somehow distract her for the afternoon since they had got pretty close now. I slump down on top the counter in the kitchen, pulling out my phone.

Sent (10:16) ~ Michael

Michael you know how you said you'd help me with Isabella's birthday, could you distract her tomorrow afternoon, maybe play zombies with her or something?

I almost instantly get a reply.

Received (10:16) ~ Michael

It would be my pleasure.

I quickly hop off the counter shoving my phone back into my pocket and sling on my backpack, filled with random crap I probably wouldn't need. I pull out my headphones, shoving them in my ears and pressing shuffle on my iPhone.

What's my age again? - Blink 182, brill.

I quietly depart the house, leaving the door unlocked behind me. Now that would be a shock for Isabella to wake up to - alone and locked in a house which isn't hers.

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