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"Will you pass me the damn remote?"  Paislee moaned as I lay, sprawled out on my white duvet, surrounded by all the binge food you could imagine.

This was my life. I wasn't popular and it was an understatement to say that I hated mostly every person on the planet. My parents weren't exactly the best of role models for being good people so I had nobody else to look up to except my sister.

"Fight for it" I challenged as Paislee gave me the classic 'death glare.'

"Oh come on, you know I'll win. And even if I don't, Effie will back me up and slay you."

"Paislee, darling" I held a finger to the air. "You do understand I ate my Weetabix this morning so prepare for the new series of WWE. Effie won't be home for hours so you're screwed"

"Oh but is she screwed?" 

I turn my body to see Effie standing in the door frame. God was my sister beautiful. And I'm not just saying that because I have to be kind or whatever, I constantly wished I looked like her and it made me the self conscious one in our trio. 

Paislee was an up and coming model so of course she had no worry in that department and Effie got her looks off our Mother - if that is what we can still call her. I have been told that Mother was always the one that messed around with her hair and make-up. Her appearance obviously meant a lot to her as a 'movie-star' in Hollywood so whenever a mirror was in sight our Mother was going to be in front of it.

I thinks that's how Effie gained her characteristics, bold and confidence with a twist of satanic hatred for humans.

 I was actually the complete opposite and tried to avoid mirrors as much as possible. I wasn't pretty in my opinion and you could - and probably would - say I was basic. I hardly ever wore make-up and it was only on occasions that I would dress nicely. On normal days, I stuck to baggy jumpers and black skinny jeans. I know what you're thinking, awesome right?

Effie and Paislee always harassed on me for my dress sense purely on the basis it looked like a barbie doll had morphed itself into them.

Another thing the two never agreed with me on was my music taste. I listened to bands like All Time Low, Blink 182 and Pvris whereas they were more dance and electro. There was a big difference and every time I tried to show them at least one of my favourite songs they would freak the fuck out and switch it off.

But I loved the music nonetheless. Music was my therapy.

"Okay, in my defense" I laugh, trying to think of a good enough excuse in my head. "Um, I didn't think you were going to be home for ages."

"Why aren't you at work anyway?" Paislee added after what seemed like hours.

"Well funny story actual-"

"And by funny, she means not funny whatsoever and something bad happened" I cut in. 

I loved how we could read each other like a book.

"Yeah that. Anyway, I kinda got fired but no biggie."

"Hang on, Eff" i almost choke on my chocolate bar as the words escape Effie's lips somehow nonchalantly. "That was our only income except my crappy job in Costco. And we all know that won't pay our rent"

"I could see if my parents have any money to lend you being as I practically live here"

"Pais, that won't be necessary for fucks sake" Effie spits. 

"But thank you anyway" I add politely. "What did you even do that was so bad to get you fired Effie?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm going for a shower" she pulls off her bag and coat before heading to the door. "See yourself out when you're ready Paislee" Effie answered sternly which was something she never did.

"Well shit. Time of the month for her?" Pais laughed, never taking things seriously.

"Don't go there, okay? I think she is actually upset Pais. She's been acting funny around me recently ever since her and John broke up, I don't know but maybe we should try speaking to her?"

"Calm your tits Mia, I'm sure she's fine. If she wasn't, don't you think she would at least tell us? C'mon, I thought you knew your sister better than that"

"I do Paislee. She has been pushing me away for the past few months and I found a letter saying she has been missing her daily check ups. We both know she needs to go to those and what about the pills you found by her bedside? This is freaking serious"

"Okay, okay. I'll go speak to her" Pais answered, thankfully catching onto how anxious I was and joined me at that stage.

"But she's in the shower?"

"I don't care, its not like we haven't seen each other naked before. Just go to the cafe and come back when I text you M. Okay?"

"Fine but make sure it's not too late that I have to come back. 202 shuts at 11pm and its already 9pm" I say with slight annoyance laced in my voice so she knows I'm pissed.

"M, don't be like that. You know she opens up more when it's just me she's speaking to"

"That's the thing" I shoot back, grabbing my keys before storming out of the house and making sure I slam the door shut behind me.

I shove my coat on me as the late night breeze hit my face. Man, it's cold. This was supposed to be summer for crying out loud, why can't we have at least one warm night? 

The only image I had in my head was ordering my Double Espresso. Cafe 202 was my favourite place to go and unfold, sometimes just to read. It was less busy than our apartment and the staff there always welcomed me with open arms. 

Me and Paislee used to go there after school to vent all our problems and talk about things that went on in the day. We weren't in the same year at school because she was 2 years older than me but it never mattered to us, we were the best of friends anyway. When Pais left school it took me a while to adjust to things on my own because even though we weren't in the same classes, we would walk around together and eat lunch on our little table in the corner. It was weird to sit in the corner on my own but I wasn't there long after she left. 

Once we had both left school, we'd still meet in 202 because it was equal distance from my house as it was from hers. It was our place and I was eternally grateful for it. Plus, it served the best food in the whole of London.

I was always used to sitting outside with Isabelle so she could have her cigarettes and I could draw the scenery. But tonight I decided to sit inside being as I was too cold to take any more of the 'summer winds'.

I ordered the usual and it was ready in seconds. I swear this place have endless servings of my drink hidden behind the counter, either that or they know what time I'm on my way there.

Choosing a seat was never a problem for me, I without fail went for the one in the corners of the rooms as they avoided all concepts of interaction with humans. 

But, to my look they were all occupied this time. Now it was time for class A conversation skills to fail in every which way and cause me to make the biggest idiot of myself.

 I walked over to the darkest corner but with suitable street lamp light peaking through the window.

"Um, hi. Is this seat taken?" I awkwardly ask, hovering over the dainty table in front of me.

"Nah, take it" the dark haired boy replied, looking up and brushing a curl of hair out of his face. 

Oh crap.




So here's part twooooo (the long ass chapter) and I hope you enjoy it. I promise it will get good (and sad) in the next chapter so hang in there guys (((:

ALSO, the girl in the photo is Effie not Izzy, just in case anyone was wondering

I love everyone who has read this and actually given me a chance. LY!!

see ya soon

Mol x

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