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I suddenly wake with a hot breath fanning on my cheek. Opening one eye, I'm greeted by Calum smiling the widest smile I think anyone could possibly have in a morning.

"Good morning sleepy" he whispers. To say I was surprised he stayed until I woke was an understatement.

"Mhm" I mumble, moodily.

"Well looks like you're not a morning person" he laughs, as to which I just reply with another grumble and roll back over.

I didn't even realize I was still in my clothes from last night until Calum tugged on the belt loop of my jeans, hinting for me to roll back to face him. I do as he wants and he begins to talk louder than before, aware that I wasn't fully listening.

"We have to get up" he speaks, showing me the time on his Armani exchange hampton watch. It was 7am.

What the hell.

"Calum" I start. "It is 7 in the morning, school isn't till 9am. Can you please let me sleep for at least another hour"

"Um, nope. You're getting up now missy" he chuckles, knowing he was pissing me off already. "I knew you'd be late for school if I didn't wake you up and you can't risk getting another detention. I'll be surprised if you can last the one tonight"

Crap, I keep on forgetting about this stupid detention. I figured I didn't need to tell Jason or Eve because they wouldn't be home until around 9pm and my detention was at 6pm. Therefore there was no need to worry them and tell them about the mishap with Ashton.

Ugh Ashton.

"Are they really that bad?" I ask.

"No not usually but you're spending it with Ash" he giggles, finding it way more amusing than I did. "And it's a Friday so that sucks dick. Especially for Ash because it's Anny Betron's party tonight and he was planning on fucking her"

Wow, how the life of a boy is so interesting.

"That meaning he'll be in a shit mood, so watch out" he warns.

"When is he never?" I joke before leaning over Calum to grab my phone off the bedside table.

I unlock it and load up my messages, revealing I have 7 already from Isabella. God, could she ever send just the one?

Received (6:45) ~ Isabella


Received (6:47) ~ Isabella

Bro, if you don't wake now then you won't wake ever again. (too far? too far)

Received (6:51) ~ Isabella

I bet you forgot you have to walk with me this morning so wake your stupid ass up

Received (7:02)

mollyyY I stg dude

Received (7:04) ~ Isabella

Wait, please tell me you're not still at cam cams?

Received (7:05) ~ Isabella


Received (7:05) ~ Isabella

Hoe lol

I guess I should reply, knowing she'd jump to conclusions otherwise.

Sending... (7:15) ~ Me

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