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Ashton's POV

I fiddle with the toddle on my coat just to help pass by the time, to keep my mind off what I was about to do because there was no doubt about it, I was so fucking scared.

Feeling the lining of your stomach slowly rise in your throat isn't the greatest feeling right before you break it off with a girl, yet I couldn't tell if it was through anger or fear.

But I knew this was a good idea, both for me and Isabella. Well at least I thought it was. My head was in a spin and I could barely string together all the tiny thoughts to create a whole one.

Are you doing the right thing though Ashton?

Molly means a lot to me, a fucking lot and I can't let her go but then there's Isabella who needs me more than anything.

Fuck my life..

Did you ever watch those movies where the woman had to choose between two men, her best friend and the so called 'love of her life'? Well that is me right now.

I have Isabella who depends on me for literally everything, I am her rock, her backbone and I couldn't be more afraid she'll crumble without me. She was like my best friend and God, oh God was she hot. Every time we kissed I felt a weight being completely lifted off my shoulders, I felt comfortable around her like I could tell her my innermost and darkest secrets.

Then there was Molly. And there are literally no words I can use to describe her. She makes me smile in ways I never thought I could, she makes me feel again. I know I have the reputation of being a bad guy, but when I'm with Molly all that vanishes, everything ever held against me left and I'm genuinely happy. So fucking happy.

All these years I never thought I'd get the chance to feel again but suddenly here I am, and it's because of both of them. They gave me hope that I could be happy again.

Molly allows me to think that I could finally turn myself around and prove to everyone that I'm not some kind of fuckup that is led to believe. I'm not someone who treats girls like shit and uses them as sex objects. I want people to know I am actually a half decent person with feelings, and Molly makes this all possible. She is the one that I can see myself potentially having a future with and I honestly think I'm in lo-

I'm dragged from my thoughts by the scraping of a wooden chair, piercing through my ears and sending shivers through my body.

I lift my head from my ultimate favourite drink, Cinnamon Americano, to be greeted by a very familiar face, a too familiar face that I just wish I didn't have to be near right now.

"Hey" I smile weakly, trying to keep myself together.

"Hey" Isabella replies, sitting on the seat previously pulled out.

I lift my hand to my head, pulling at the ends of my dirty blonde hair in frustration.

How could I do this? How could I literally break her heart right here? And in a fucking coffee shop, really Ashton?

"Ash..." she trails off.

"Bella..." I answer, mimicking her.

"Why am I here?" she cuts straight to it. I'm taken aback, swallowing hard and leaning back in my chair.

"Look I don't-"

"Vanilla Iced Frappe" a brown haired girl cuts in, - presumably the waitress - handing Isabella a steaming mug.

She glances over at me, smiling widely before looking between me and Isabella and walking back to her previous spot at the counter, mindlessly flicking through a magazine.

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