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"You look beautiful" Calum comments as I pat down my white skater dress.

Yes, I was wearing a dress and it made me cringe more than anything ever before but I had to make an effort for Isabella.

Effie would be proud, I kept reassuring myself.

I mumble a small 'thanks' to Calum before slipping on my white converse. I was still mad at him from the whole situation with Ashton and I wasn't prepared to let it drop just yet.

Why did Ashton cry though?

"Are you still angry for fucks sake?" He props his head on my shoulder as if incapable of holding itself upright.

I bat him away and walk over to the bedroom door, swinging it open in a huff. "Just get ready will you"

I strut downstairs to find everything laid out perfectly and people from school already filling my living room. Even with the extreme tension earlier, we still managed to pull off - might I say the greatest - party I had ever seen.

As I approach the kitchen, Luke's booming voice becomes clearer and so I follow the direction of it.

"Hey" I tap his shoulder and he swivels on his heels to face me.

"Maths girl" he giggles, pulling me into an unexpected, sweaty hug. "Where's Cal?"

"Getting ready" I reply, half smiling at him. "You enjoying the party so far?"

"Mhm, you've done an awesome job kid"

"Well it wasn't just me but thanks I guess" I laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It would be better if the birthday girl was actually here" he says, making me realize I hadn't even notified Michael to bring her downstairs.

"Shit" I laugh, joined by Luke seconds later.

Pulling out my phone, I send Michael a quick text.

Sent (7:03) ~ Me

Ready for you bro

I slip my phone back into the small lace pocket on my dress before pouring myself a vodka and coke.

Suddenly, someone who is obviously intoxicated, rams into the small of my back and almost sends me flying.

"Watch where you're going" I snap, so close to losing my shit with this guy considering my chill was nonexistent.


Well this was great. The last person I wanted to see just crashed into me clearly drunker than he should be.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss. "I didn't invite you"

"Molly, I live next door, did you really think I wouldn't notice if you held a party here?" He spits back, not taking my shit just as much as I wasn't taking his.

"Fine, but stay out of my way" I retort, fed up of arguing with him 24/7.

We never used to be like this. The first time I met Cameron I thought he was the sweetest person alive, but ever since 'I leaked his nudes' - which is clearly untrue - he has been non stop cruel and I was done with it.

"Just go get wasted and drink your problems away Cam" I snort, ready for whatever cocky remark he was about to shoot back.

"I just wanted to prove I wasn't-" he chokes, tears forming in his eyes. "I wasn't g-gay"

Without thinking, I pull him into a sincere hug. I have needed one ever since today and the awful events that it carried along with it, and by the looks of things Cameron needed one too.

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