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5 minutes, that was all. 5 minutes and I am leaving this place for good. Of course I can come back to visit but it's 9,420 miles between London and Australia, and to be quite frank I don't have the money to keep making journeys back and forth. The adoption agency was paying for this flight and my 'parents' were meeting me at the airport. I had no friends here anyway so I might as well go, I had no choice but to do so now anyway.

I pulled a black jumper over my shoulders and hauled my suitcase behind me as I headed for the taxicab that was waiting outside. The driver opened to boot of the car for me to put my suitcase in and I followed his instructions.

I climbed in the back of the cab and told the taxi man "Heathrow Airport please" before he pulled off and we were on the road. It was only about half an hour from my apartment to the airport so there was no point in me fishing out my headphones.

We finally made it to the airport in about 25 minutes tops and I was tired already and I couldn't wait to sleep on the plane. The taxi man handed me my suitcase and drove away, leaving me with my suitcase in one hand and a plane ticket in the other. I was actually doing this.


The warm Australian air hit me in the face as I climb off the plane, pushing my bag on my back. I was actually here. I've always dreamed of coming to Australia, it was my favourite place as a kid but now I was actually living the dream. It was all so surreal but I was already enjoying every second of it. And now I was about to go meet my new adoptive 'parents' for the first time in my life. I had been told their names were Jason and Eve but that was all, and God was I hoping they were nice.

There were so many people around which was a big negative for me considering I didn't like people at all, but I put up with their pushing and shoving just so I could find Jason and or Eve. My eyes scanned the crowds of happy faces to find Eve sitting across the other side of the airport, head in her hands. I recognized her face from a mile off, her piercing blue eyes and beautiful smile. She reminded me of Effie and I think that's partly why I chose to come out here.

I practically run over to where I saw Eve, dragging my suitcase effortlessly behind me. As soon as Jason sees me, his face lights up and I automatically assumed he knew who I was. They both jumped up from their seats and pulled me into the tightest bear hug I have ever received.

And I already felt at home.

"Hi, oh my gosh, you're so beautiful" Eve exclaims, tears welling up in her eyes.

"This is Eve and I'm Jason, we'll be looking after you from now on."

"Hey, it's so good to finally meet you both. You seem great" I laugh.

"Lets get to the house, I have your room ready, but of course you can decorate it yourself" Eve rambles on. I look over to Jason and he just hearty laughed, taking my suitcase from me and walking to the car park.

"That sounds like a plan" I reply, linking Eve's arm as we follow Jason to the car.


We pull up to the house and I began pinching myself, thinking this was all some kind of dream. The house was gorgeous. It was crisp white on the outside and surrounded by fluorescent green palm trees. This was true Australia.

Eve must have noticed my jaw dropping expression because she pulled on my arm and let out a snort along with a laugh.

"You haven't seen nothing yet" she whispers, pulling me to the front door.

And she was right, the entire house was so neat and pure white. It was breath taking how every wall you looked at blinded you for a split second but then revealed its uniqueness. It was heaven.

"Your room is upstairs, on the left" Jason says, jumping down the stairs. "I put your suitcase outside the door. Did you sleep on the plane?"

"Yes, I did"

"Good" Eve butts in. "That means you can unpack what you brought before it's time for lunch."

I nod and head upstairs to find my suitcase laid outside my door just as Jason had said it would be. I open the door to find the cosiest ivory room I had ever seen in my life. It was way nicer than my old room and I couldn't have been more grateful. I open the wardrobe and begin to unpack. It wouldn't take long considering I have a bare minimum of about 10 outfits.

Once I had finished at around 11am, I decided to wander around the rest of my room, only to find out I had my own ensuite and a balcony with tables and chairs.

As I walked out onto the balcony, I was engulfed by the sound of busy lives. The house overlooked the city and it was the prettiest thing I had seen.

Man, Sydney was great.

I wasn't regretting the decision of moving and changing my name to 'Molly' so far and I wasn't planning on regretting it any time soon.

"Great isn't it?" Jason asked, walking out onto the balcony making me jump.

"Too beautiful to put into words" I mumble back, still completely astonished by the picturesque view in front of me.

"Sydney is a good place to live, me and Eve can't wait for you to live with us and for you to get to know the city."

"I can't wait either. What will I be doing tomorrow?"

"Well, we got you a place in a school not far from here so you'll be going there from now on. It's a nice school so hopefully you'll make lots of new friends."

"I doubt it, I don't really like people but I guess I'll try" I laugh, telling the truth to my new 'dad'.

He just laughs and walks off, sliding my door closed behind me.

I hated school but going halfway through the academic term was hate on a new level. The last thing I wanted was for people will start to wonder why I am arriving so late. Great.

I pull out of my whirling thoughts and decide to head downstairs for lunch. It would help if I got to know my 'parents' better...



be appreciative haha, I stayed up till 4 am to write this for you ((;

jokes, I need to catch up as much as I can with Cyber so I'll be updating a lot in the next few days. It won't be a problem either being as I've broken up from school for 7 weeks YAY

lol ok bye

Mol x

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