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I woke up, me and Calum going through the usual routine of him getting changed and climbing out of the window so no neighbours saw. It's not like we did anything but you know how people like to assume things, especially Cameron who only lived next door.

"Bye, see you at school" I whisper, roughly tying my hair on top of my head, pulling the covers around my semi naked waist.

"Laters mush" Calum replies before disappearing out of my sight.

I lift my body off the bed and walk to the bathroom, checking to see whether I needed a shower or whether God was in my favour and gave me a day to look at least half decent. And he did.

Reaching a oversized hoodie and black jeans out of my wardrobe, I press shuffle on my phone that was plugged into the speakers. As Green Day rings throughout the house, I change into the outfit I had picked out and put on a thin layer of makeup. Today I wasn't in the best of moods so I left my hair tied up messily and head downstairs to pig out on breakfast while I had time before school.

Eve being the lovely person she was, had laid out a full english breakfast with a note that read:

Morning, decided to check up on you this morning to see if you were okay

I saw the empty bottle of vodka and assumed you'd have a headache this morning so here's the perfect hangover cure! There's an aspirin in the cupboard above the sink (:

Lots of love

Mom x

(Ps.. that boy in your bed looked cute, lets hope he's a keeper)

And that was the reason I loved Eve so much. I never really thought of her as a Mother but more like a sister. It was good because not many people had that connection with their family, but I did. I'm not sure if it counts considering they weren't actually my 'family' but since Effie, they were the closest I had to one.

And I loved every second of it.

I slip on my black vans (considering they were basically the only shoes I owned) and walk out into the beautiful weather of Sydney.

The one thing I didn't miss about England was the neverending change in weather. It was so confusing and to say I hated it would have been a major understatement.

The walks to and from school were the best, not just because of the nice weather and the picturesque landscapes I couldn't wait to start drawing, but the conversations I got to have with Isabella. Of course I couldn't tell her everything about me but she was the only person that knew me as well as Effie did. We had a bond the day we met and there was something about her that I couldn't get enough of. I don't know what it was but the fascination never left and to this day, I want to constantly know more about her life.

"Yo" Isabella shouts, dragging me out of my thoughts as I reach our usual meeting point.

"Hey" I answer somewhat chirpily.

"You're invited to Michael's party, right? Because I'm not going without you" she says, her eyes focused on her phone screen.

"Mhm, Cal asked me to come and I was gonna ask you if you were going" I answer, whilst chipping the nail varnish off my nails which had become a habit of mine.

"Good, and I'm coming back to yours to get ready"

I answer with a quick "okay" before we reach the school gates and say our goodbyes, heading to our designated classrooms.


"And I might wear them black shorts I bought the other day" Isabella speaks but my attention is drawn to someone else.

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