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"You are still alive in my head.''

Those were the words that Cas was hearing in his head over and over again. He missed his friend so much. Her name was Anna. She was an angel and she was pretty much the only angel that did not hate him.

And now she was dead.

After she died, Cas was a wreck. He fell into a deep depression. After about a month, he started pretending that he was ok and shit just to hunt with the Winchesters.

But Sam could see right through the angel's facade because he had tried to do the same thing whenever Jess died.

It all started whenever Sam seen Cas sitting on the floor in the bunker. He looked...not right. He appeared to be in a trance of some sort. Almost as if his mind was somewhere else. Sitting on the floor, angel blade in hand, looking very upset. "I have missed you so much.'' Cas said in a far away, slurred voice. Sam knew that Cas was not talking to him. "Cas...erm...who are you talking to?'' Sam asked, taking a step closer. Cas did not even seem to acknowledge his presence. "I...I wish that I could join you, Anna. But I cannot, yet. I have to stay down here on earth for a bit and help people out, ok? Ok...hmm...bye now.'' Sam watched as Cas jerkily picked up his angel blade and carelessly, wit shaky hands, cut the tips of his fingertips where his fingerpints are. Sam quickly went and grabbed the angel blade from him. "Cas!! I have no idea what the hell is wrong wit you, but you cannot do this!! Tell me what is wrong with you!!'' He threw the angel blade to the side and knelt down in front of his face. He grabbed his face between his hands. He looked into his eyes. "You're high out of your mind...what the hell, Cas? And what did you take?'' He dropped his hands away. "I have been takin um...mescaline.'' "Why?'' "So that I could see her. I miss her so much.'' Some tears slid down his face. "Anna, that is?'' Sam asked quietly, not wanting to upset him more. Cas nodded slowly. "I think that I have taken too many pills this time. I can't...think. Everything is numb.'' Sam's eyes widened. "Whoa whoa whoa!! Ok...um...how many did you take exactly?'' "5...I usually only take 3.'' "Damn it, Cas. Where the hell did you get this stuff anyway? And that is no way to deal with the loss of somebody.'' "I know...'' Sam sighed. "Weh have to expel it out of you. And I am throwing those away. You need help. These hallucinations are getting out of hand.'' Cas sighed as he let Sam slowly help him up. He swayed. "Ugh...I do not think that I can walk.'' Sam sighed. "I will help you.'' Cas put his full weight on Sam and he led him to the bathroom. "Look, I hate puke, so I am not going in there wit you, sorry. But you need to stick 2 fingers down your throat to make yourself vomit, Got it? I Do not care how scary it is. It is better than you dying.'' Cas nods and stumbles in the bathroom. About 5 minnets later, Sam hears retching.

Sam throws the pills away, and Cas gets professional help. 

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