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"Death will do us part.''

That was probably the best and only way to describe the relationship between Sam, Dean, and Cas. They all fight sometimes. But they would never leave each other.

And now here they were. All 3 of them. Trapped in a warehouse by some stupid vamps. They somehow always managed to get themselves in a sticky situation. And usually, they could beat the vamps, but not this time. So now, Sam, Cas, and Dean were all tied up against some poles.

Cas was doing the worst, the vamps kept on biting him for some reason, but not deep enough to kill him. It was making him pale, and he was covered in blood. And he was just acting strange... Sam was not doing too well, either. The vamps had only bitten him once. Dean was pretty much ok...for now. He had hit his head, so he just had a headache, but it did not bother him too much. He was more concerned about Sammy and the angel anyway.

"Cas? Hey...you ok, buddy?'' He asked, worried. Cas lazily looked at him, seeming out of it. Dean wondered what the hell vamp bites did to an angel anyway. "I am...uh...what?'' He seemed confused, or like he had forgotten what Dean asked. This greatly worried him. "Um...i said are you ok?'' "Oh...yeah...ok.'' "So you good?'' "Yeah...good...'' "Okay...'' Dean did not really believe him, why the hell was he acting so confused anyway? He decided to check on his brother now. "Sammy!!'' He whisper-yelled. Sam looked over. "Y-yeah...?'' "Are you ok? Tell me what that vampire bite is doing to you.'' "Um...not much so far. Kind of making me tired but that is pretty much it.'' "Have you any idea what it does to an angel?'' "No.'' "Damn..ok.'' He was about to ask something else until a vampire walked in. A girl vampire.

Dean could not lie. She was quite pretty. She had long black hair, and a good body in all the right places. She had a really nice voice, too. But as quickly as those thoughts came, he even more quickly reminded himself that she was a vampire. And she and her other nest had hurt Sam and Cas.

"What is your name?'' Dean demanded rather than asked. The promiscuous vamp bent over and looked at him, her face just inches from his. "Well, darling Dean, if you must know, it is Vivica.'' "Vivica? Okay...why did you bite my brother? And the angel?'' Vivica chuckled a bit. "All 3 of you are very attractive humans. I just taken a special interest in the angel.'' "What happens whenever a vampire bites an angel?'' Sam piped up, asking quietly. Vivica stood back up straight and thought for a moment. "Well, I suppose possibly loss of powers. Not sure. Let's go check on him, shall we?'' "You leave him alone!!'' Dean yelled. "Oh shush, darling Dean. Or else you will get bitten next.'' Vivica strutted over to Cas, who did not even seem to acknowledge her. "Hey, Cassie.'' She said, crouching down to his level. "Miss me? I did not give you all these bites, by the way. A lot of them were from the others in my nest.'' She cocked her head a bit. "Hellooooo? I am talking to you.'' She straightened her head and peered at him closer. "Hmm, not doing so hot are you?'' Castiel's breathing was shallow, and he was pale and sweaty, staring at nothing. "Ohh the things that I could do to you right now.'' She bitten her lip a bit. She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Do you think that it would be possible for a female vampire to rape a junkless angel in a male vessel? I would love to find out.'' She moved away from his ear.

Cas seemed to snap out of his daze at that. He looked at her. "N-no...please.'' Vivica chuckled, standing up. "No worries. That would have to be some other time. Unless darling Dean or sweet Sammy want to volunteer?'' "Volunteer for what? And it is just Sam.'' Sam snapped. "Oh...just a little...you know...adult fun time?'' Sam looked disgusted. "Are you saying- what?! No. Hell no. That is fucking disgusting.'' "To each his own...'' Vivica muttered, walking over to Dean. "And you? I have never had a human dick, you know.'' "Yeah? And I have never had vampire pussy, and I want to keep it that way, thank you very much.'' Vivica sighed, "So be it.'' "Hey, what do you want with us anyway?'' Sam asked, moving around uncomfortably in the ropes. "Hmm...your blood mostly. I will be back.'' She walked off.

A few hours passed, Sam's bite was getting sore, Dean's head was throbbing, and everybody was uncomfortable. And worst of all, Cas had a seizure.

He had that happen before, but it still scared the Winchesters. They hated watching and hated it even more that there was nothing they could do about it. So they just waited it out.

Vivica came back a few hours later for more blood. For some reason, she never bitten Dean though. She said that his blood was too bitter. Whatever that meant. Dean was not necessarily complaining. Eventually, she let the 3 of them go. Dean had to help them, especially Cas. He was a mess.

In the end, Dean ended up cleaning all of Castiel's bites and Sam's bites as well. They were afraid that Cas would have a seizure again, but he never did. He just needed to rest. Dean taken Tylenol for his headache. All was well.

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