The cold Retreat

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Calantha swept into her chambers, the door closing behind her with a soft click. She leaned against the door, her mask finally cracking.

Her ladies-in-waiting, Elara and Liria, hovered nearby, concern etched on their faces.

"Your Highness, are you well?" Elara asked.

Calantha's gaze flashed with warning. "I am fine. Leave me."

The ladies curtsied and departed, closing the door behind them.

Calantha's composure shattered. She strode to the window, staring into the darkness.

Why must she be bound to this man, this stranger? Why must her life be dictated by duty?

A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Enter," Calantha called out.

Her mother, Queen Lirien, swept in, her expression stern.

"Calantha, what is the meaning of this behavior? You embarrassed your husband and our kingdom."

Calantha's defiance flared. "I did what was necessary, Mother."

Queen Lirien's eyes narrowed. "You will do as you're told, Calantha. You will make this marriage work."

Calantha's gaze locked onto her mother's, icy and unyielding.

Queen Lirien's voice dripped with venom. "You will not shame our family, Calantha. You will be the wife Kaidën expects."

Calantha's gaze didn't waver. "And what of my expectations, Mother? My desires?"

Queen Lirien's expression turned glacial. "Your desires are irrelevant. Your duty is to our kingdom."

The air was thick with tension as the two women clashed.

"You've never understood me, Mother," Calantha said, her voice low and deadly.

Queen Lirien's eyes flashed. "I understand enough. You're a Valtania, Calantha. You'll do your duty."

Calantha's smile was a thin, cold line. "I'll do what's necessary, Mother. But don't think for a moment I'll be obedient."

Queen Lirien's face paled, her eyes narrowing. "You're playing with fire, Calantha."

The queen's departure was abrupt, leaving Calantha shaken but unbroken.

As the door closed, Calantha's composure crumbled. She felt trapped, suffocating.

A soft knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

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