with you

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Calantha's cheeks flushed deeper as Kaidën's gaze lingered.

Arin cleared his throat. "Shall we review the troops' preparations?"

Calantha nodded, breaking the spell. "Yes, let's."

As they inspected the troops, Kaidën remained by Calantha's side.

Their shoulders brushed, sending shivers down her spine.

After the review, they returned to the castle.

In the great hall, Queen Lirien awaited.

"Calantha, Kaidën, join me," she said.

Over breakfast, the queen discussed strategies.

Calantha listened intently, Kaidën's hand brushing hers.

Their fingers intertwined, hidden beneath the table.

Calantha listened intently as Queen Lirien discussed strategies.

Kaidën sat beside her, his expression focused.

"We need to fortify our eastern border," the queen said.

Calantha nodded. "I'll review the defense plans."

Kaidën spoke up. "I'll work with Arin to mobilize our troops."

The queen nodded. "Keep me informed."

After breakfast, Calantha headed to the library.

She immersed herself in maps and defense strategies.

Kaidën joined her, their work a seamless collaboration.

Their focus remained on preparing for the impending war.

Calantha's eyes scanned the maps spread before her. She paused, sensing Kaidën's gaze.

She looked up to find him watching her, his expression soft.

"Kaidën?" she asked, her voice low.

He didn't flinch, his eyes locked on hers.

Calantha's cheeks warmed. "Why are you staring at me?"

Kaidën's lips curved into a gentle smile.

"I'm looking at something beautiful," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Calantha's heart skipped a beat.

Calantha's cheeks deepened in color as she dropped her gaze, her lashes fluttering.

Kaidën's words hung in the air, making her feel exposed.

She fidgeted with the maps, trying to compose herself.

"Let's focus on the battle plans," she whispered.

Kaidën nodded, his voice low. "Of course."

Their hands touched as they worked, sending shivers through Calantha.

She pulled back, her heart racing.

The tension between them was palpable.

Kaidën's gaze locked onto Calantha's, his eyes burning with intensity.

Calantha's heart skipped a beat as she felt the world around her melt away.

Kaidën's fingers brushed against her cheek, sending shivers down her spine.

"Calantha," he whispered, his voice husky.

His eyes searched hers, seeking permission.

Calantha's lips parted, her breath catching.

Kaidën's face drew closer, his lips inches from hers.

Their eyes never broke contact, the tension between them palpable.

Suddenly, Kaidën's lips brushed against Calantha's.

She hesitated, her eyes widening.

But as Kaidën's kiss deepened, Calantha's resistance melted.

Their lips moved in perfect sync.

Until Arin cleared his throat, shattering the moment.

"Ahem," Arin said.

Calantha jerked away, her cheeks ablaze.

"Excuse me," she whispered.

Kaidën smiled, his eyes following Calantha as she hurried out of the library.

Arin chuckled, shaking his head.

"Instead of working on the plan, you were working on something else, I see," Arin said, his voice laced with amusement.

Kaidën's grin broadened.

"Can't help myself," he replied, his eyes still on the door Calantha had exited.

Arin laughed.

"Focus, Kaidën. We have a war to win."

Kaidën's expression turned serious.

"I know. But some things take priority."

Arin raised an eyebrow.

"Calantha's become important to you, hasn't she?"

Kaidën nodded.

"She has."

Arin's expression softened.

"I'm glad. You deserve happiness."

Calantha walked through the corridors, a gentle smile still on her lips.

As she turned a corner, she collided with Lady Marcella.

"Pardon me," Lady Marcella said, her voice icy.

Calantha's smile faltered.

"It's fine, Lady Marcella," Calantha replied.

Lady Marcella's eyes narrowed, her gaze cold.

Calantha sensed hostility emanating from her.

"Is everything alright, Lady Marcella?" Calantha asked.

Lady Marcella's expression twisted.

"Everything's perfect. Just peachy."

Her sarcasm hung in the air.

Calantha continued her journey to her room, lost in thought.

As she entered, she heard a knock at the door.

"Enter," she called out.

A servant stepped inside, bowing.

"A letter for you, milady."

Calantha took the letter, her heart skipping a beat.

The seal bore Kaidën's crest.

She broke the seal, unfolding the parchment.

"Meet me in the rose garden tonight, under the moonlight.

I have something to show you.

-Yours, Kaidën"

Calantha's cheeks flushed.

Calantha's heart fluttered as she read the letter again. Excitement and nervousness swirled within her.

But duty called. She pushed aside her feelings and focused on her tasks.

Calantha spent the day attending meetings and reviewing documents.

As night fell, her mind drifted back to Kaidën's letter.

She made her way to the rose garden, the moon casting a silver glow.

The sound of crunching gravel signaled Kaidën's arrival.

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