Royal duties

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Calantha descended to the courtyard, Prince Kaidën by her side. The sunlight cast a warm glow on the gathered ladies.

"Time to meet the ladies of the court," Kaidën said, his voice low.

Calantha's stomach fluttered. "I'm ready."

As they approached, the ladies curtsied. Calantha smiled graciously.

"Your Highness," Lady Alethea, the queen's cousin, said. "Welcome to Everia."

Calantha exchanged pleasantries, trying to remember names and titles.

Kaidën remained attentive, his presence commanding respect.

Lady Elianora, a petite blonde, whispered, "We're delighted to have you among us, Princess."

Calantha warmed to Elianora's kindness.

However, Lady Marcella, a stunning raven-haired beauty, eyed Calantha coolly.

"Prince Kaidën's taste is... surprising," Marcella said, her voice dripping with malice.

Calantha's cheeks flushed, but Kaidën intervened.

"Marcella, your wit is as sharp as ever," Kaidën said, his tone neutral.

The tension dissipated, but Calantha sensed underlying rivalries.

Calantha struggled to keep pace with the intricate web of alliances and rivalries within the court.

Lady Alethea offered guidance, sharing subtle warnings about potential foes.

"Be cautious around Marcella," Alethea whispered. "She covets Kaidën's attention."

Calantha nodded, her mind racing.

Elianora, on the other hand, proved a kindred spirit, sharing stories of her own struggles adapting to court life.

As the day progressed, Calantha found herself navigating a delicate balance between politeness and assertiveness.

Kaidën's presence remained a constant, his eyes watching her with an unreadable intensity.

During the evening's feast, Calantha sat beside Kaidën, her senses overwhelmed by the opulence.

Marcella positioned herself across from them, her gaze locked on Kaidën.

As the evening drew to a close, Calantha's parents prepared to depart.

"Time for us to return to Eldrid," her father said, embracing her tightly.

Calantha's mother grasped her hands, her eyes serious.

"Remember, Calantha, your duty is to Everia now. Be obedient, and don't shame our family."

Calantha's instincts flared, her voice steady. "I won't forget, Mother. But I won't be intimidated either."

Her mother's gaze narrowed. "Don't mistake stubbornness for strength, child. Everia's court can be treacherous."

Calantha's jaw set. "I can handle myself."

Her father intervened, his tone calm. "We trust you, Calantha. You're a true princess of Eldrid."

As her parents departed, Calantha felt a mix of emotions:

Relief at escaping her mother's suffocating expectations.
Determination to forge her own path in Everia.
Apprehension about navigating the complex court politics.

Kaidën approached, his eyes observing her. "Your parents seem... demanding."

Calantha's smile was wry. "That's an understatement."

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