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(Long chapter ahead )

Calantha woke to Elianora's gentle knock. "Good morning, Princess," Elianora said, entering with a tray. Calantha stretched, yawning, and Elianora set the tray down. "Breakfast, Your Highness." Calantha ate, savoring the warm bread and fresh fruit.

After breakfast, Elianora helped Calantha dress, expertly lacing the corset. "Where are the stables?" Calantha asked, her curiosity piqued. Elianora's eyes widened. "Down the east wing, Princess." Together, they walked to the stables, the scent of hay and leather filling the air.

The horse caretaker, a grizzled old man, bowed upon their arrival. "Your Highness." Calantha smiled. "Prepare a horse for me, please." Elianora's eyes sparkled with surprise. "You ride, Princess?" Calantha nodded. "Back home, Father taught me. Mother wasn't pleased." Elianora's curiosity got the better of her. "You fought with swords too?" Calantha chuckled. "Yes. Father believed a princess should defend herself."

The caretaker returned, leading a majestic brown horse. "Meet Galen," he said, offering Calantha the reins. Calantha mounted, feeling Galen's muscles beneath her. As she rode, the wind whipping through her hair, Calantha felt free. Elianora watched, amazed. "You're a natural, Princess." Calantha grinned, galloping off into the morning sun.

As she rode, Calantha felt a sense of liberation she hadn't experienced in months. The castle's walls seemed to fade away, and for a moment, she was just a young woman, riding free.

As Calantha rode, the castle's worries faded, replaced by the thrill of freedom.

Galen's mane flowed in the wind, his hooves pounding the earth.

Calantha felt alive, unencumbered by royal duties.

After a gallop, she guided Galen back to the stables.

Elianora smiled, relieved. "You're back, Princess."

Calantha dismounted, patting Galen's neck. "That was wonderful."

The caretaker nodded. "Galen's a fine horse, Your Highness."

Just then, a little girl appeared, eyes wide with wonder.

"Momma said I could meet the horses," she said, looking up at Calantha.

Calantha smiled. "And who's your momma?"

"Mistress Jenkins, the seamstress," the girl replied.

Calantha's heart warmed. "I've met your momma. What's your name?"

"I'm Elara," the girl said, curtsying.

Calantha laughed. "Well, Elara, would you like to pet Galen?"

Elara's face lit up. "Really?"

As Elara stroked Galen's mane, Calantha saw a kindred spirit.

Calantha smiled, watching Elara giggle as she petted Galen.

"Perhaps I'll teach you to ride someday," Calantha said, waving goodbye.

Elara curtsied, eyes shining. "Thank you, Princess."

With Elianora, Calantha walked back to the castle.

Inside, they passed through the grand hall, where Calantha exchanged pleasantries with the King and Queen.

"Mother, Father," Calantha said, curtsying.

The Queen smiled. "Dear, how was your morning?"

Calantha's reply was polite. "Pleasant, Mother."

Upstairs, Calantha entered her chambers, expecting solitude.

Instead, Kaidën stood by the window, his gaze fixed on her.

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