A friend and advisor

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Kaidën's hands trembled as he lifted the crate's lid, revealing Arin's mutilated body. His best friend, his confidant, his brother.

The once-vibrant warrior now lay lifeless, eyes gouged out, skin flayed, and limbs twisted in unnatural angles. A gaping hole in his chest revealed his heart was missing.

Kaidën's anguished cry echoed through the foyer. "Arin, no! My brother!" He collapsed beside the crate, cradling Arin's cold face in his hands.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as memories flooded his mind: their laughter, their battles, their late-night conversations.

"Arin, why did it have to be you?" Kaidën's voice cracked.

Calantha knelt beside him, her eyes overflowing with tears. "Kaidën, I'm so sorry..."

The note pinned to Arin's chest seemed to mock them: "You get what you ask for, King Charles."

Kaidën's body racked with sobs, his heart shattered. Arin, the one person who understood him, was gone.

"I'll make King Charles pay for this," Kaidën vowed, his voice laced with venom.

Calantha wrapped her arms around Kaidën, holding him close. "We'll get through this together."

Kaidën cradled Arin's lifeless body, his tears falling onto the cold skin. The king and queen arrived, their faces somber.

"Kaidën, my son," the king said, his voice heavy with sorrow.

The queen rushed to Calantha's side, embracing her. "My child, I'm so sorry."

Kaidën looked up, his eyes blazing with anguish and fury. "It's King Charles' doing," he spat.

The king's expression darkened. "We'll address this treachery."

The queen's voice trembled. "First, let's mourn our loss."

Kaidën's grip on Arin tightened. "I won't leave him."

Calantha's hand on his shoulder was a gentle comfort.

The room filled with mournful silence.

The kingdom plunged into darkness, mourning Arin's brutal demise. Candles flickered in windows, casting a somber glow. The once-vibrant streets were now empty, filled only with the echoes of sorrow.

In the grand hall, Arin's body lay on a pedestal, surrounded by flowers and tears. Kaidën stood vigil, his eyes sunken, his face etched with grief.

Calantha clung to his arm, her own eyes red-rimmed. "He was more than a friend," she whispered.

The king and queen received condolences from their subjects, their faces somber.

Jeremy, flanked by the royal guard, stood watch, his jaw clenched.

Emilia, awakened by the news, wept uncontrollably.

Throughout the kingdom, people shared stories of Arin's bravery, his laughter, and his unwavering loyalty.

As night fell, the kingdom lit beacons, a fiery tribute to Arin's memory.

Kaidën's voice cracked as he spoke: "Arin, my brother, you will not be forgotten."

The funeral procession began, Arin's body carried on a decorated carriage, adorned with flowers and the kingdom's colors. Kaidën, Calantha, Jeremy, and the royal guard walked alongside, their faces etched with grief.

The kingdom's subjects lined the streets, paying respects. Some wept, others stood stoic, all sharing a sense of loss.

As they reached the cemetery, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow.

Kaidën helped lower Arin's body into the grave, his hands trembling.

"Goodbye, my brother," he whispered.

Calantha placed a rose on the casket.

Jeremy saluted, his eyes welling up.

The royal guard formed a phalanx, their swords raised in a final farewell.

The kingdom's priest recited prayers, seeking peace for Arin's soul.

As the dirt covered the casket, Kaidën's resolve hardened.

"King Charles will pay for this," he vowed.

Kaidën stepped forward, his voice cracking as he began his eulogy:

"Arin, my brother, my friend, my confidant. Your loss is a wound that will never heal. We shared battles, laughter, and secrets. You were more than a soldier, more than a friend – you were family."

He paused, collecting his thoughts.

"Your bravery inspired us all. Your heart was pure, your spirit unbreakable. You stood for justice, for honor, and for our kingdom."

Kaidën's voice rose, fueled by emotion.

"Your sacrifice will not be forgotten. We will honor your memory, we will avenge your death. King Charles will know the wrath of our kingdom."

The crowd murmured in agreement, their faces set with determination.

Calantha's eyes locked onto Kaidën, her expression mirroring his resolve.

Jeremy's jaw clenched, his hand on the hilt of his sword.

The royal guard stood at attention, their faces grim.

As Kaidën finished speaking, a murmur spread through the crowd: "Justice for Arin."

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