Let go

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As Kaidën walked towards his office, lost in thought, he accidentally bumped into Arin, his best friend and trusted advisor.

"Apologies, Arin," Kaidën said, clapping his friend on the back.

Arin chuckled.

"No harm done, Kae. I was seeking you anyway."

Kaidën grinned.

"What's on your mind?"

Arin fell into step beside him.

"Heard about your little excursion with Calantha today."

Kaidën's eyes narrowed playfully.

"Who told you?"

Arin winked.

"I have my sources."

They entered Kaidën's office, shutting the door behind them.

Kaidën leaned against his desk.

"Spill it, Arin. What do you want to know?"

Arin settled into a nearby chair.

"Did she enjoy herself?"

Kaidën's expression softened.

"Yes, she did. Thanks for asking."

Arin's eyes sparkled.

"I knew you two would hit it off.

Kaidën's gaze drifted, his thoughts still with Calantha.

"I think she's starting to open up," he said, his voice measured.

Arin's eyes sparkled with interest.

"Finally making progress, eh?"

Kaidën's lips curved into a cautious smile.

"Don't be too sure, Arin. I still have to earn her trust."

Arin's expression turned serious.

"You're right. Calantha's been through a lot. She needs time."

Kaidën nodded.

"I know. But today felt different. She seemed... happier."

Arin leaned forward.

"That's a great sign. Just remember, Kae, patience is key."

Kaidën's eyes locked onto Arin's.

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the advice, friend."

Arin grinned.

"Anytime, Kae. Now, about those border reports..."

Kaidën's expression turned serious.

"Let's discuss that later.

Kaidën leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Arin, I slept with Lady Marcella recently."

Arin's eyes narrowed.


Kaidën's gaze drifted.

"Honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about Calantha. She's been on my mind ."

Arin's expression turned stern.

"Kae, Calantha is your wife. You should focus on her, not Lady Marcella."

Kaidën nodded.

"I know. It's been an on-and-off arrangement with Lady Marcella, just physical."

Arin's voice was firm.

"You don't need anyone else, Kae. Calantha should be enough for you. Fulfill your needs with her, not someone else."

Kaidën rubbed his temples.

"You're right. I'll end it with Lady Marcella."

Arin nodded.

"Good. Prioritize Calantha. Build a real connection with her."

Kaidën's eyes locked onto Arin's.

"You think I can make it work with Calantha?"

Arin smiled.

"I do. Now go make things right."

Kaidën bid Arin farewell and made his way to Lady Marcella's chambers, his heart heavy with resolve.

Upon entering, Lady Marcella greeted him warmly, her lips curled into a inviting smile.

"Kaidën, darling," she whispered, attempting to kiss him.

Kaidën gently grasped her wrists, holding her back.

"Marcella, we need to talk."

Her eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong, my love?"

Kaidën's voice was firm but gentle.

"I've realized I need to focus on my marriage. Whatever we had, it's over."

Lady Marcella's face darkened.

"You're choosing that...that cold, distant wife of yours over me?"

Kaidën's jaw clenched.

"I'm choosing to honor my vows and make my marriage work."

Lady Marcella's voice turned venomous.

"You'll regret this, Kaidën. You'll come crawling back."

Kaidën stood firm.

"I won't. Goodbye, Marcella."

He turned to leave, but Lady Marcella's angry words followed him.

"You'll never find satisfaction with Calantha! She's a shell of a woman!"

Kaidën's heart ached, knowing he'd hurt Marcella, but he was resolute.

Lady Marcella's face twisted in rage as Kaidën departed. She slammed the door, her anger boiling over.

"How dare he!" she seethed, pacing her chambers.

Tears of fury streamed down her face.

"He thinks he can just discard me like a worn-out glove?"

She collapsed onto her bed, overwhelmed by emotion.

"Why did he have to choose her?" she whispered, bitterness consuming her.

Lady Marcella's thoughts swirled with anguish and betrayal.

"I loved him...and he threw me away."

The darkness of rejection enveloped her.

" I will make her pay for this".

Kaidën entered their shared chambers, his heart still heavy from the confrontation with Lady Marcella.

Calantha looked up from her embroidery, a hint of surprise on her face.

"Kaidën," she said softly.

Kaidën approached her, his eyes locking onto hers for a brief moment.

"Goodnight, Calantha," he said gently.

Calantha's gaze searched his, sensing something amiss.

"Goodnight," she replied.

Without another word, Kaidën turned and entered his private sleeping quarters, adjacent to their shared chamber.

The door creaked shut behind him, leaving Calantha wondering about the sudden change in his demeanor.

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