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"Where's Kaidën?" Calantha asked, accepting the steaming cup from Eleanora.

Eleanora poured her own cup, sitting beside Calantha. "He's out with his parents. He didn't want to wake you."

Calantha's eyes narrowed slightly, her mind racing.

"Did he say when he'd return?" she pressed.

Eleanora shook her head. "No, milady. But I'm sure he'll be back soon."

Calantha sipped her tea, lost in thought.

Calantha finished her tea, setting the cup aside.

"Eleanora, prepare my bath and lay out suitable clothes. I have a meeting with Lord Thomas about the upcoming festival."

Eleanora nodded, rising from her seat.

"Shall I have your hair styled, milady?"

Calantha nodded. "Yes, please. Something elegant."

Eleanora curtsied. "I'll see to it."

As Eleanora busied herself, Calantha's thoughts turned to the festival.

The bath was ready, and Calantha immersed herself in the warm water.

Eleanora styled her hair, weaving intricate braids.

Calantha's gown was a soft blue silk,

Calantha descended to the great hall, her elegance commanding attention.

Lord Thomas, a stout man with a warm smile, awaited her.

"Milady Calantha, you shine as brightly as the festival's stars," he said, bowing.

Calantha laughed, her cheeks flushing. "Lord Thomas, your flattery is as polished as ever."

They sat at a nearby table, reviewing festival arrangements.

Calantha's sharp mind and Lord Thomas's expertise made quick work of the details.

As they finished, Lord Thomas rose. "I'll ensure everything is prepared, milady. Your vision for the festival will be breathtaking."

Calantha smiled. "Thank you, Lord Thomas. Your efforts are invaluable."

"Lord Thomas, one more thing," Calantha said, her eyes sparkling with thought.

"Of course, milady," he replied.

"Please ensure invitations to the festival are sent to my parents,," Calantha requested.

Lord Thomas nodded, making a note. "I'll see to it personally, milady."

Calantha smiled, satisfied. "Thank you, Lord Thomas. Their presence would mean a great deal to me."

Lord Thomas bowed. "It will be done, milady. I'll take my leave now."

As Lord Thomas departed, Calantha's thoughts turned to her parents.

She hoped they would attend, strengthening ties between their families.

Lord Elian's tall figure emerged from the shadows, his eyes fixed intently on Calantha.

"Milady," he said, bowing low. "You shine brighter than the morning sun."

Calantha's smile was polite, but guarded. "Lord Elian. Good day."

Elian's gaze lingered on her face, his expression unreadable.

"I trust your meeting with Lord Thomas was fruitful?" he asked.

Calantha nodded. "Yes, all is in order for the festival."

Elian's eyes sparkled with interest. "I look forward to it. Perhaps we might discuss the festivities further...over dinner?"

Calantha's unease grew.

Calantha's response was diplomatic but firm. "I don't think my husband, Kaidën, would be thrilled about me having dinner with another man, especially his best friend's cousin."

Lord Elian's expression remained suave, but a flicker of annoyance danced in his eyes.

"Ah, Kaidën's possessiveness is legendary," Elian said, his tone laced with subtle disdain. "I assure you, milady, my intentions are pure. Merely a discussion about the festival."

Calantha's polite smile hid her growing unease. "I appreciate your understanding, Lord Elian. Perhaps we can discuss the festival in a group setting?"

Elian's nod was gracious, but his gaze lingered, unsettling Calantha.

Kaidën's timely arrival brought relief to Calantha's tense shoulders.

He strode toward them, his eyes locked on Calantha's, and planted a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Forgive my absence, my love," Kaidën said, his voice low and affectionate.

Calantha's flush deepened, but she smiled.

Lord Elian's expression turned chilly, his eyes narrowing.

"Kaidën," Elian said, his tone measured. "I was discussing festival details with your lovely wife."

Kaidën's gaze flicked to Elian, his expression neutral.

"Ah, Elian," Kaidën said. "I see. Festival plans, then?"

Elian nodded curtly. "Yes. I'll leave you to it."

With a slight bow, Elian departed, his exit tinged with tension.

Calantha let out a silent sigh of relief.

Kaidën's eyes never left Elian's retreating figure, his expression thoughtful.

"Calantha, what was Elian discussing with you?" Kaidën asked, his tone measured.

Calantha hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

"Merely festival details, as he said," she replied, her voice light.

Kaidën's gaze shifted to hers, his eyes piercing.

"And?" he pressed, sensing more.

Calantha sighed, relinquishing her reserve.

"He invited me to dinner, alone," she admitted.

Kaidën's jaw clenched.

"I will speak with him."

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