unwanted Attraction

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Calantha strode towards her chambers, Elianora following closely. "Thank you, Elianora. You may retire for the evening." Elianora curtsied and departed.

As Calantha began to undress, the door creaked open. Kaidën stood in the entrance, his gaze fixed on her.

"My Lord," Calantha said, her voice firm, "I thought I made it clear I wished to be alone."

Kaidën's smile hinted at mischief. "This is my room, and you are my wife. You have no right to dismiss me."

Calantha's eyes narrowed. "Your room? I was under the impression this was our chamber."

Kaidën stepped closer, his eyes roaming her partially clad form. "Semantics, my dear. You are mine now."

Calantha's hands instinctively crossed over her chest. "You shouldn't get any ideas, My Lord."

Kaidën's voice dropped to a whisper. "Ideas are already forming." He reached out, gently brushing her hair aside.

Calantha's pulse quickened. "Don't think this changes anything."

Kaidën's lips grazed her neck, leaving a fleeting kiss. "Soon," he whispered, "you'll understand your place."

Calantha's eyes flashed with warning, but Kaidën's gaze held a challenge, a promise of more to come.

Calantha's face burned with indignation. "My place?" she repeated, her voice icy.

Kaidën's smile grew. "As my wife, you'll learn to obey."

Calantha's hands clenched into fists. "I'll never obey you."

Kaidën chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "We'll see about that."

He stepped closer, his breath caressing her skin.

Calantha's heart pounded, her resolve wavering.

But she refused to yield.

"My Lord," she spat, "don't think a simple kiss will tame me."

Kaidën's expression turned serious. "I don't want to tame you, Calantha. I want to claim you."

His words sent shivers down her spine.

Calantha pushed against his chest. "Leave. Now."

Kaidën's eyes flashed with desire, but he stepped back, his smile lingering.

"Tonight, perhaps. But soon, you'll invite me to stay."

With that, he turned and exited the room, leaving Calantha shaken.

Calantha woke to the warm sunlight streaming through the windows.

Her thoughts immediately returned to the previous night's encounter with Kaidën.

She felt a mix of emotions: anger, frustration, and a hint of unwanted attraction.

Determined to shake off the feelings, Calantha rose from bed and began her morning routine.

Elianora entered, bearing a tray of breakfast and fresh clothes.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Elianora said, setting the tray down.

Calantha smiled, grateful for the distraction. "Good morning, Elianora."

As she dressed and broke her fast, Calantha pondered her next move.

She couldn't let Kaidën's advances intimidate her.

But how could she protect herself from his unwanted attention?

Just as she finished her meal, a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts.

Elianora answered, curtsying. "My Lord Kaidën."

Calantha's heart sank.

Kaidën entered, his eyes locked on hers. "Good morning, wife."

His tone was polite, but his gaze held a hint of possessiveness.

Calantha's defenses rose. "My Lord."

Kaidën approached, his stride confident. "I've arranged for us to break our fast together in the great hall."

Calantha hesitated, unsure if she was ready to face him in public.

But refusing would only spark more tension.

"Very well," she said, standing.

Here's the continuation:

Chapter 21: Breakfast in the Great Hall

Calantha descended to the great hall alongside Kaidën, her tension palpable.

The hall bustled with activity: servants scurried about, and courtiers mingled.

At the head table, King Maric and Queen Liana already sat, their faces stern.

Kaidën guided Calantha to her seat, his hand on her elbow.

As they broke their fast, conversation flowed around them.

Calantha picked at her food, her appetite lost amidst the tension.

Kaidën, however, ate with gusto, engaging in discussions with nearby lords.

Just then, Kaidën's voice cut through her thoughts.

"Calantha, Lord Thomas requests your opinion on the upcoming harvest festival."

Calantha turned, forcing a smile. "I'd be delighted to share my thoughts."

As she engaged in conversation, Calantha sensed Kaidën's gaze on her.

Calantha turned to Lord Thomas, a middle-aged man with a kind face.

"Lord Thomas, I've heard the harvest festival will be grander than ever. What are your expectations?"

Lord Thomas smiled, his eyes crinkling. "Indeed, Your Highness. Our people have worked hard. We'll have games, feasts, and music."

Calantha's interest piqued. "I've always enjoyed the harvest festival. Will there be any special events this year?"

Lord Thomas leaned in. "Actually, we're planning a grand tournament. The finest knights from neighboring kingdoms will compete."

Kaidën intervened, his voice commanding attention. "I'll be participating, of course."

Calantha's gaze met Kaidën's, a spark of competition igniting.

Lord Thomas continued, oblivious to the undercurrent. "We're also hosting a masquerade ball. The queen has commissioned exquisite masks."

As conversation flowed, Calantha found herself relaxing in Lord Thomas's presence.

For the first time since her arrival, she felt a glimmer of connection.

But Kaidën's proximity reminded her of her precarious position.

As the meal concluded, Kaidën stood, offering Calantha his arm.

"Shall we, wife?"

Calantha hesitated, unsure if she wanted to be seen publicly with him.

However, refusing would only draw attention.

She placed her hand on his arm, her touch hesitant.

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