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The next morning came faster than I expected. Lan and I were up before the sun, packing the last of our things before heading out. Everything felt rushed, pero I was too excited to care. We met up with Tita Vien and the crew at the dock, and before I knew it, we were on a boat heading to the island.

As the island came into view, I couldn’t help but grin. Crystal clear waters, white sand beaches, and palm trees swaying in the breeze—parang postcard. It was the kind of place na parang escape from everything. Work, city life, lahat and I could already imagine the fun we would have during breaks.

“Ganda, no?” I say to Lan, elbowing him lightly as we approach the shore.

He glances at the view, nodding slightly. “Yeah,” he replies, his voice calm but I can tell he is impressed too. You can’t not be. The island looks like paradise.

We dock and unload our things, with the crew moving quickly to set up for the shoot. Tita Vien approaches us, “Alright, boys, you will be sharing a room for the week. There’s limited space, so make it work. Your call time is early tomorrow, so rest up after we settle in.”

I glance at Lan, grinning. “Share rooms, huh? Baka you will get tired of my energy by the end of this trip.”

He doesn’t seem fazed, just shrugs as usual. “Sanay na ako.”

We follow Tita Vien as she leads us to our room. It’s simple, nothing too fancy, but it has a certain charm—whitewashed walls, a view of the ocean, and two twin beds pushed against opposite sides of the room. There’s a small window where you can hear the waves crashing softly outside.

“Tara,” I say, tossing my bag on one of the beds. “This is going to be fun. Imagine waking up to that view every day!”

Lan places his bag down on the other bed, still as calm as ever. “As long as you don’t snore,” he mutters with a hint of sarcasm.

“Uy! Hindi ako nag-sno-snore!” I defend myself, laughing. “But if I do, just wake me up. Hindi ako sensitive.”

Lan just shakes his head and starts unpacking. Ako naman, I collapse on the bed, staring at the ceiling for a second before turning to look at him. The room feels small compared to the wide open island, pero I’m not complaining. Sharing space with Lan is something feels right.

“how is it, Lan?” I ask, propping myself up on my elbow, watching him organize his things. “Excited for tomorrow’s shoot?”

He pauses, considering my question for a second. “Okay lang. It’s different. I’m curious how they are going to set everything up here.”

“Same,” I say, smiling. “But honestly, I’m just excited to be out here. This place feels like a dream, di ba?”

Lan glances out the window, nodding slightly. “It’s peaceful.”

I take that as a win—anytime Lan says more than a single word, I know he is at least a little into it.

We spend the rest of the afternoon settling in. The crew is already busy setting up for tomorrow’s shoot, and I’m itching to explore the island, pero I can tell Lan is more focused on preparing for work. Always the professional, as expected.

After unpacking, I lean against the window, looking out at the beach. “Tara, let's explore the shore” I say, turning to Lan. “Even just a little walk around.”

He glances at me considering, then nods. “lets go.”

I grin, grabbing my phone and heading out with Lan following close behind. The island is even more beautiful up close—soft sand under our feet, the sound of waves crashing, and the salty breeze in the air. As we walk along the shore, I can’t help but snap pictures of everything and, of course I sneak a few shots of Lan while he’s not looking.

𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘴 𝘊𝘢𝘭𝘮 (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon