Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys! Thank you for choosing to read the magic makers. This is my first story on wattpad so please don't mind if the story is not very wattpaddy and stuff XD. I really loved all the stories I read so far on wattpad and I wanted to write something on it so.. here it is! Okay I've talked a lot. Enjoy reading The Magic Makers and please vote and comment. Any suggestions for improvements are also welcome:)


"C'mon Elsa! We'll be late for class!" Ariana called to the Auburn haired girl talking to a blonde as she removed her books from the locker. "Coming!" She called and jogged over to Ariana. "We'd better hurry. We have Miss Morteneiz next. She'll screw us if we're even a minute late. And have you, by any chance, seen my Movements textbo-" "Hey Rivers." Ariana was interrupted by a cute black haired guy who slammed her locker shut just as she removed her books. He was hot, no doubt. His hair fell over his eyes, giving him a careless look. His eyes danced playfully, and his mouth was twisted into a smirk which made all of his dimples look very appealing. In all, he was a picture of careless good looks which all of the girls found wonderful. Well, almost all of them. "Looking for something?" He asked her, waving an ancient looking maroon book under her nose. Ariana glared at him. "Thank you." She said curtly and attempted to snatch the book away from him. "Not so fast!" He teased and shielded the book behind his back. "You have to let me walk you to class." He said, stating his condition. "No. Way." Ariana replied. "I'd rather suffer at the hands of Miss Morteneiz than let you walk me to class." "Fine then." He said, turning the book around in his hands. "I can't guarantee anything about the state of this book when I give it back to you in the evening. If I give it back to you, that is. And you very well must be knowing that we are out of stock of the movements books. It's gonna be a long time before you get one. And I'm sure by then Morteneiz will have you expelled. And then I really will miss you." He finished, grinning as the implications dawned on Ariana. "You jerk." She fumed. "All I want is to let you let me walk you to class." He said innocently, widening his brown eyes. This look usually had the steeliest of people on their knees. But Ariana was steelier than the steeliest, so she wasn't melting. "C'mon Ari! We're gonna be really late." Elsa's voice interrupted Ariana's dilemma. "Fine." She said, walking fast as Phillip Parker, her tormentor, grinned and followed her. "But I know it doesn't end there." She muttered. Phillip caught up with her without difficulty. "You know me so well, Rivers!" He grinned and swung his arm around her shoulders, laughing as she pushed him away roughly.

"Open your books to page five-not-nine. Today we will learn the most difficult wrist movement: the side to side wrist movement. Read the theory." Miss Morteneiz was an old stern looking Magus with a passion for detentions. Her prince nez, miraculously, never slid down her sharp nose though it looked too big for her. There were rumours that she had bewitched it to remain that way and even wore it to bed. "Crap!" Ariana exclaimed. "What is it?" Elsa whispered, pretending to read. "Parker gave me the wrong book! He gave me Elements Through The Ages Part 1 instead of Advanced Wrist Moveme-" "Miss Rivers, would you please explain to the entire class why you're looking as flustered as a mother hen?" Tyler, a cute blonde, whistled wildly, getting a mouthful of mud from Miss Morteneiz in return. "So, where were we?" She asked as Tyler rushed out of the classroom, making strange gagging noises. "He'll be alright." Miss Morteneiz assured the students on looking at their concerned faces. "But I can't say the same for Ariana, can I?" She continued, walking down to Ariana's desk. The students grew silent. Miss Morteneiz had made it very clear that she wasn't one to be messed with. Ariana knew that too. She stood up shakily. "Which book are you reading dear?" Miss Morteneiz picked Ariana's book up. "Elements! How.. interesting." She said, narrowing her eyes. "Actually, Miss Morteneiz, Ariana's book got exchanged with a stu-" Elsa began but was interrupted. "Do you not realise the implications of reading anything other than what I ask you to, during my class?" Miss Morteneiz asked, ignoring Elsa. "Whatever be the reason." She added as an afterthought. Ariana was a brilliant pupil but Miss Morteneiz was never partial. "Ariana." She said after a little while. "Yes Miss Morteneiz?" Ariana asked warily, not overlooking the subtle change in Miss Morteneiz's tone. "Detention. Nine p.m. My office." Ariana sighed. She should've known this was coming. She was about to accept her fate and sit down when, "Miss Morteneiz!" Someone called, making her and Miss Morteneiz jump. Phillip swaggered into the classroom, not bothering to ask for permission. Miss Morteneiz narrowed her eyes. "Yes.. Mr.. Parker?" She asked in a voice that clearly stated she wasn't very happy to see him. "I came to return Rivers her book. Your notes scribbled on the sides of the pages were most helpful, Rivers." He said, winking at Ariana as he handed her her book. "That's very nice of you Phillip. But you should've had the courtesy to return it to her before my lecture began." "You know I don't ace in the department of courtesy, Miss Morteneiz." "Of course, Parker. Okay, Ariana, it was no fault of yours. Parker, detention, nine p.m, my office. Don't bunk it." She warned Phillip who was taking his book back from Ariana while she shot him death glares, Elsa trying all the while to smother her laughter. "See you then, Miss Morteneiz!" He called cheerily and walked out of the class. Miss Morteneiz sighed. "Alright. So whe-" She began but was interrupted again by Phillip who had reappeared. "Oh, by the way, nice skirt, Courtney!" He called and ran out of the class before Miss Morteneiz could bury him alive. Courtney, a blonde blonde with heavily lined eyes, blushed and giggled. "Shut up, foolish girl!" Miss Morteneiz reprimanded, clearly annoyed. She began teaching.
Ariana sighed in exasperation. "He likes you a lot, Ari!" Elsa smiled and started to read her book. "Oh please Elsa. He does that to almost every girl. You know that. Thanks for right now, by the way." "Forget it." Elsa said, dismissing Ariana's gratitude with a wave of her hand. "But you should give him a chance." She suggested, smiling playfully. "I don't wanna end up in the restroom, crying my eyes out like all of his other 'girlfriends'. Besides, I don't even like him." Ariana tossed her black hair defiantly. "Whom do you like, Ariana?" Elsa asked, sighing. Ariana never let boys get to her. She was prejudiced against all the boys in the world. She thought they all were the same. Idiotic and useless. Never serious in a relationship. In fact her two best friends Elsa and Katherine were convinced only a miracle could pull her out of this mindset. A miracle that hadn't occured yet. "I like Sherlock Holmes. Benedict Cumberbatch. He's hot." Ariana defended herself weakly. "Sure he is. But you have to get real, you know." Elsa persisted but was again stopped by a steely glance from Miss Morteneiz. "We'll talk after class." Ariana assured her and for the next forty five minutes they drowned themselves in the complex wrist movements, trying not to fall asleep hearing Justin's rythmic snores

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