Chapter 19

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"My dear students. Please welcome, the school heroes!" Mrs Gestingthorpe's strong voice announced the names of Elsa, Ariana and Katherine as they stepped onto the podium one by one. The entire school, which was gathered in the Zeta, applauded them loudly. The three girls blushed, but not because of the praise they were getting. They felt terrible for being called heroes just because they had exposed a friend. Yes, of course Luke was their friend, though Ariana sometimes didn't behave that way. She was looking down fixedly, not daring to look up into the eyes of her friends, where she would see only scorn and sarcasm. Everyone loved Luke. Well, he invited it.. Ariana tried defending her actions. But it wasn't working. She had never thought it would be so difficult to make the entire school believe Luke was a traitor. She was almost regretting her actions now. Why had she acted so smart? It wasn't any of her business. And by doing this she hadn't done anyone a huge favour. In fact, she had snatched away the only guy who Elsa would look at with love. She was suddenly sure that Luke had loved Elsa. The look in his eyes when Elsa had stepped out of the shadows was enough to make her believe that Luke, Luke would never hurt her. Ariana shook her head and looked at Elsa. She looked terrible. Ariana was sure she hadn't slept all night. Elsa looked dead. Her grey eyes were dull and she looked miserable. She was oblivious to the praise Mrs Gestingthorpe was showering upon her. Katherine was feeling pathetic as well. They had never meant to be so open with Luke's actions. She had thought they could prove to Mrs Gestingthorpe that Luke was a traitor and then she would expel him, without breathing a word to anyone. They could make some excuse up for Luke's sudden expulsion. But here was Mrs Gestingthorpe, announcing to the whole school about Luke's expulsion plus giving the three girls the credit. Katherine almost drowned in embarrassment.

So the three girls stood there, being praised for something they wished they had never done. It couldn't get worse than this, could it?

Something Mrs Gestingthorpe said made the three heroes snap back to attention. "So, boys and girls, we've decided that we cannot take another risk. Luke was very close to countering the Crystallium enchantement. How he came to know of it, we don't know yet. The matter has been relayed to the Four Elders. Their decision is final. We have to expel all of the Auranium students." This last statement shocked the entire Zeta. Gasps of surprise resonated through the stone building. But the Auranium section was dead silent. They stared straight ahead. Ariana's head snapped up. Her breathing became faster. This meant.. this meant that.. Phillip.. "But where will we go, Mrs Gestingthorpe?" A small Auranium student asked, almost in tears "Go home." Miss Gestingthorpe waved her hand dismissively. They were more gasps. "You.. you know it, right? That some of us don't have homes to go to? Lexington was our home." A female voice protested. Probably the crying Auranium's sister. Mrs Gestingthorpe stared at her. "Well, that's bad for you now, isn't it?" Was all she said. The entire school stared at her in disbelief. "You.. you can't do that.." Ariana whispered softly, her voice quivering. "Sorry, my dear?" "I SAID YOU CAN'T DO THAT! THAT ISN'T CORRECT OF YOU! NOT EVERYONE'S A TRAITOR!" Ariana yelled at her, blinded by rage. Mrs Gestingthorpe looked at her calmly. "Are you implying that you are ashamed of what you did?" She asked Ariana slyly. Ariana looked at her in disbelief. Was she being bullied by her own Headmistress? Yes, she was. On getting no reply, Mrs Gestingthorpe added on a softer note, "This judgement has been passed by the respected council of the Four Elders. We are powerless against their verdict. As much as I regret expelling the Auranium students, I believe it is in everyone's interest that they leave. There will be no more discussions on this topic. The Auranium students will leave us at noon tomorrow. Thank you. And once again, applause for our young heroes." The school applauded, but it was the most half hearted applause anyone had ever heard. Elsa finally showed some movement. A tear fell softly from her eye. That was all. Ariana squeezed her eyes shut and a sob escaped her throat. This isn't happening.. she prayed feverently. Katherine stood there with her mouth open, and thanked God that it wasn't the Insedium Ingenium which was being expelled. But she was really scared for the Auraniums. What were they gonna do? And the three of them were responsible for this. How would anyone ever forgive them? How would they ever forgive themselves?! There was no need for all this. For such a severe punishment.
Ariana looked up and gazed directly into Phillip's smiling brown eyes. Except, they were a little sad now. He looked relieved, though. Ariana shook her head. Relieved?! Why would he be relieved.. she was behaving delusional. Phillip smiled at her sadly and nodded as if assuring her that she had done the right thing. That was it. Ariana burst into tears and everyone looked at her. Phillip took a step forward in concern. Ariana wiped her eyes as Katherine came to comfort her. "Okay, now. We should bring this.. ahem.. ceremony to an end. I will expect the Auranium students to be gone by noon. Thank you." The crowd dispersed immediately, chatting louder than usual. Ariana jumped down gladly from the platform. Katherine helped Elsa down. "C'mon Elsa, we'll go to my room." Katherine took Elsa away, realising that Ariana needed to speak to Phillip. The Auraniums were still standing in a daze. "To hell with you, Ariana!" One guy from among them yelled loudly. Ariana didn't say anything. "Shut the fuck up!" Phillip shouted at the crowd. Ariana looked at him in surprise. He should be hating her. Instead, he was defending her with the same affection. Ariana sobbed once again and Phillip was immediately by her side.

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