Chapter 21

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"Hmhhmm.." Phillip groaned and knit his brows together, eyes still closed. He thought he'd heard a knock at his door. It's no one.. he thought and relaxed. He was about to drift off when the knock came again. Phillip scowled and got up groggily. What time was it? He checked his phone. 2:17 a.m. What the fuck?! Who is it?! He stumbled to the door, wearing only his boxers. Opening it, he scowled angrily at the person standing there.

Ariana stood there in her oversized hoodie and shorts. She looked up at him sheepishly through her blue eyes. Phillip's eyes went wide on seeing her there. "Hey.. C'mon in." he invited, obviously pleased to see her, even if it was two in the morning. "Phillip, I'm so sorry for barging in like this." "You didn't barge in. I invited you." Phillip countered, switching on the lights. Ariana looked at his smooth chest, not saying anything. "What's wrong, Ari?" He asked gently, sitting down beside her on the bed. "What have I done, Phillip.." Ariana said softly, eyes glued to the floor. "I.. I don't understand." Phillip said, looking at her curiously. "I've.. I've done something very wrong Phillip. I've.. I've made the Auraniums leave." Ariana finally said the bitter truth. Phillip looked at her gently. "Ari, it wasn't any of your fault. You know that. And you've rid us of a traitor. Luke was supposed to go. You did the ri-" Ariana wrapped her arms around Phillip's neck and sobbed into his shoulder. "Everyone hates me now, Phillip. I don't wanna stay here anymore. What have I done, Phillip? Why do I bother so much about something that's NONE OF MY BLOODY BUSINESS!" Ariana screamed out all of her frustration at herself. Phillip didn't know what to do. It felt good having Ariana hug him so tight. He gingerly patted her black hair. "Ari, look. It's none of your fault, okay? Oh and fyi, nobody hates you. Why don't you just learn to love the people who love you?" He asked pointedly. Ariana looked up at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. He slid a hand into her hair and pulled her into a hug. Ariana stooped crying and rested her head against his shoulder. "Phillip?" "Yeah?" "Play something for me." Ariana said suddenly, making Phillip look down at her. "Play a song for me." She repeated. Phillip grinned. Playing songs at two in the morning was just what he liked. No sarcasm intended.

So he took his guitar and sat on the chair, facing Ariana. He was still shirtless so Ariana was finding it a little difficult to breathe. "What should I play?" He asked her, adjusting the guitar on his knee. "Anything." Ariana said and sat cross legged on his bed. "Anything.." Phillip muttered, trying to think of a suitable song. He didn't have to think long.

Ariana inhaled sharply as soon as the first notes of 'Irresistible' by One Direction hit her ears. Phillip smiled at her knowingly.

"Don't try to make me stay, or ask if I'm okay, I don't have the answer.."
Phillip sang in his beautiful voice and Ariana's eyes almost filled with tears.

"Don't make me stay the night, or ask if I'm alright, I don't have the answer. Heartache doesn't last forever, I'll say I'm fine."

Ariana's breath hitched.

"Midnight ain't no time for laughing when you say goodbye.."

A tear fell.

"It makes your lips, so kissable, and your kiss unmissable. Your fingertips so touchable and your eyes, irresistible."

Another tear fell from those irresistible eyes, making Phillip wanna kiss her. He finished the song with difficulty.

"That was.. nice.." Ariana whispered after a while. "Yeah I know." Phillip said not-so-modestly, making Ariana smile a little. "But I have to say, Parker, that you have pathetic song selection skills." Ariana said as Phillip put his guitar away. "You said I could play whatever I wanted." Phillip said indignantly. "Yeah I did." Ariana admitted regretfully. Phillip sat beside her on the bed and looked at her. He saw the tear streaks she hadn't bothered to wipe away so he reached up and wiped them away gently. Ariana smiled into his palm. "Can I stay here tonight, Phillip?" "Stay like, to sleep with me?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Ariana sighed. "Yes, Parker. Sleep with you. But not the kind of sleep you're hoping for." "Then forget it." Phillip stated and proceeded to slip under the covers. Ariana glared at him disbelievingly, making him shake with laughter.
"I'm kidding, Ari! Don't go all Jackie Chan on me!" Phillip said and patted the empty space next to him, lighting up Ariana's eyes.

She slid there and turned her back to him. Phillip held her firmly from behind, making her sigh in peace. "Good?" He whispered into her hair and she nodded gently. Phillip nuzzled the curve of her neck and she closed her eyes.
Phillip had never been so content. He would worry about morning when it came.

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