Chapter 22

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It's already mid morning! Katherine thought as she came out of the Insedium Practicals room. Almost everyone had gathered down in the courtyard to watch the Auraniums leave. Katherine rushed to Ariana's room but she wasn't there. Elsa hadn't gone down as yet so Katherine went to her. "C'mon Elsa!  They're leaving!" "So soon? It's just.. okay, it's 11:52. No wonder they're leaving." Elsa muttered as she walked out of her room. Katherine looked at her affectionately. Elsa had become better since yesterday's events. She had almost gotten over the fact that Luke was a traitor. But Katherine and Ariana still wouldn't talk to her about Luke, just to be safe.

They walked down to the yard, where a large crowd had gathered. The Auranium students were huddled among themselves near the massive golden gates. Katherine looked around for Ariana. She wasn't there. A loud static on the microphone made them wince in pain.

"Dear students of Lexington High. We are gathered here today to bid farewell to our dear Auraniums." An Auranium snorted audibly. "She is so
make believe." Katherine whispered to Elsa, who nodded in reply. "Obviously we all are against such a decision but a few.. ahem.. Auranium students have let down their Ingenium drastically. We regret taking such heavy precaution but as you all are aware, the word of the Four Elders is final. So today, we bid our wonderful Auraniums farewell and hope that one day they make not only their Ingenium, but the entire Maguskind proud. Thank you."
Not a sound was heard. No one clapped or cheered. Maybe this was the students' way of showing that even if they had to accept the decision, they didn't have to be happy with it. Mrs Gestingthorpe cleared her throat awkwardly and walked down the podium, head held high. "Where the hell is Ari?!" Katherine hissed urgently. The Auraniums were moving out of the great golden gates. Some of the small children were crying, gripping their siblings' hands tightly as they were led out of the doors. A tear fell down Elsa's cheek but no one noticed. Katherine was on her toes, searching for a black head among the sea of students. They stood that way for around fifteen minutes. Elsa was just about to give up when something happened.

"You can't go out, Miss! You aren't an Auranium student!" The guard at the gate bellowed. Katherine gasped. Climbing onto the podium, she looked out towards the gates. She could see the guard, but not the person he was talking to. "Please don't let it be Ari." she whispered. The guard made a few frantic hand gestures and suddenly he started walking towards where the Headmistress was seated. Katherine ran through the crowds, shoving people put of her way. The guard was right there in front of her and he was leading.. Ariana. Katherine froze in her tracks and students filled the gap between her and Ariana again. What is she doing? Katherine thought feebly. She could see the guard now. He was talking to Mrs Gestingthorpe. Okay, talking would be an understatement. He was waving his arms frantically and pointing at Ariana all the while, who looked like she would erupt in anger any moment.

What's going on up there.. Katherine thought as she walked towards the podium. She got closer and heard snatches of the conversation.
"-And she's trying to leave the school!" Katherine gasped. What was wrong with her?! "Wait! Please!" Katherine shouted, loud enough for the entire school to hear. Everyone stopped and stared at Katherine as she ran towards her best friend. "Ari, what's going on?!" Katherine shook Ariana roughly. Ariana glared back at her. "I'm leaving." She said simply. Katherine blinked once. Twice. "No you're not." She growled finally, tugging Ariana away. "Miss Sparks, please stop harassing Miss Rivers!" Mrs Gestingthorpe admonished. "She's not harassing me for God's sake!" Ariana screamed, trying to shake Katherine off. "Miss Sparks!" Katherine let go of Ariana immediately. The entire school huddled around the podium, including the Auraniums. No one could resist a touch of drama. "Miss Rivers, may I know the reason for your disorderly conduct?" The cold shadow of Mrs Gestingthorpe loomed over Ariana. "Yes you may, Mrs Gestingthorpe. I want to quit Lexington High." Ariana said clearly and loudly, evoking gasps and mutters from everyone. Phillip fought his way to the front lines and stared up at Ariana, mouth half open. Katherine looked down at Elsa and shrugged, who looked as shocked as Katherine did. "Ari.." Katherine warned and attempted to grab Ariana's hand again. "Let me be, Kath!" Ariana said aggressively. Mrs Gestingthorpe remained phlegmatic. "And may I know the reason behind this hasty decision?" Ariana sighed. "It's.. um.. it's just that.. look-" Ariana turned to the crowd "-I feel terribly guilty for what I did. I am the reason why innocent Auraniums are being deprived of education and learning. And not because they have done something wrong, but just because we are so prejudiced against them. I am leaving Lexington with all those wronged Auraniums. And I won't return until they are welcomed back and recognised as an Ingenium. I'll prove to you that not all Auraniums are what you think they are. Not all Auraniums are traitors and cowards." Elsa flinched slightly.

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