Chapter 8

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NOTICE: Ballroom Dancing, Celebrating The Annual Waltzing Competition.
VENUE: The Wandsworth Hall.
DATE: 17th May.
DAY: Sunday.
TIME: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM.
REQUIREMENTS: 1. Competetors Should Be Related Directly To Any Of The Five Elders.
2. Entry Permitted Only With A Partner.
............THANK YOU...............
"Woah.." Ariana exclaimed, looking up at the notice pinned outside the Zeta. I so wanna go.. she thought longingly. "You wanna go?" Phillip appeared beside her, as if voicing her thoughts. "Yeah.." She said dreamily, not realising who she was talking to. Phillip smiled at her. Ariana suddenly snapped back to the present and stared at Phillip. "What?" He asked her. Why are you asking me this?" She asked him. But instead of answering her question, he posed another one, "you like waltzes?" "Yeah. I mean, I know waltzes are not really the 'in' thing but yeah, I still love them." She answered. "Oh well, who cares, anyway I won't be able to go. Read the part about being 'related to the elders', right?" She asked sarcastically and was about to walk away when Phillip stood in front of her, blocking her path. "What're you doing?" She asked, trying to get past him. "Do you wanna go to the waltz?" He asked her, and Ariana couldn't help but smile. "Even if I want to, I can't." She answered, shrugging helplessly. "That wasn't my question." He said stubbornly. Ariana looked up just in time to see him step closer. She froze. Even though she was willing herself to push past him and run to the class she was getting late for, she couldn't move. "I asked: do you want to go the waltz?" He whispered near her ear. Ariana shivered again. "Yes." She said softly, looking into his brown eyes. Again, the usual playfulness was missing. "Fine then. I'll come with you." He said. "Okay.." Ariana whispered, as if in a trance. Phillip stepped back. His own heart had been doing backflips when he was standing so close to her. "Ahem." Ariana's voice brought him back. "So, how are we planning to get in?" She asked him. He grinned, and the playfulness danced in his eyes. "You leave that to me." he smiled mysteriously. "All you have to do is meet me here at six thirty tomorrow. And wear proper clothes." With this last statement, he ran off to class before Ariana could douse him in cold water. But Ariana felt like doing no such thing. In fact she smiled softly to herself and regarded Phillip affectionately as he jogged away.


"I can't believe it Ari! You have a date!" Ariana sighed in exasperation. "I told you Elsa, he's not a damn date! He just asked me to come and I said yes for some reason." "Oh I know the reason." Elsa said, smiling playfully. "Yeah? What is it?" "You. Like. Him." Elsa declared as Ariana banged her head down on her desk in frustration.

The girls were at the Zeta, a night before the waltz. Katherine was sleeping in her room, complaining that she had grown extremely tired as the day wore on. Tired of what, no one knew. There was still no improvement in her behaviour. With Elsa as well, all she was interested in was knowing about her father, who was the Crystallium Elder. "Well, should I tell you something? I'm coming to the waltz too!" Elsa declared, surprising Ariana. "With Luke?" She asked her. "Yeah.." Elsa replied, blushing slightly. "As far as I know, you've never had a special liking for waltzes." "Yeah I don't really like them. But he asked me, and I couldn't say no." Ariana made a face at this cheesy display of affection. "Wow. It's gonna be so much fun!" Elsa declared. "Okay Ari I gotta go. I haven't yet finished Mr Talland's assignments." Elsa excused herself and walked off, her bag slung over her shoulder, eyes searching for Luke. Ariana glanced at the wall clock. Nine thirty. She sighed and got up. I'll have an early night.. she decided and went to her room when an obvious thought suddenly struck her. What was she going to wear?! Ariana ran to the Crystallium wing and banged on Elsa's door urgently. "Hey." Luke opened the door. Ariana could only stare in astonishment at the idiot standing in front of her. "Oh my god. Ari." Elsa pushed past Luke and dragged Ariana inside. "What's he.. forget it, it's none of my business." She muttered softly. "Luke and I were just.. um.. you know.. deciding stuff about tomorrow." Elsa explained. "Oh." That was all Ariana could manage. "Listen girls, I guess I'll leave. It'll be lights out in fifteen minutes." Luke explained and went forward to hug Elsa who pushed him away in disgust. He laughed and walked out of the room, winking at random girls. Elsa sighed. "He does that a lot." She said softly, more to herself. Ariana stared at her, her mouth twisted into a grimace. "Okay forget this. What're we gonna wear?" Ariana asked, catching Elsa's attention. "Oh god Ari! Don't tell me you haven't thought about that!" Elsa reprimanded. Ariana looked extremely sheepish, a foreign expression to anyone who had known her for long. "I've already decided what I'm wearing." Elsa declared, not helping at all. "I know that Elsa! But what should I wear!?" Ariana asked urgently. "Why are you fretting so much? You don't like Phillip, do you? Why do you care about how you look as long as they let you dance?" Elsa asked smugly. "But that's the whole problem! They won't let me in if I don't look.. you know, sophisticated enough or something!" Ariana explained, getting only a yawn from Elsa in return. "I really don't know Ari. You decide what you'll wear and I'll judge your dressing sense." Elsa joked and flopped down on her bed, snoring unrealistically. Ariana sighed and walked out of the room, banging the door behind her, unconcerned if Elsa was disturbed. Why is everyone acting so difficult!? She asked herself in frustration. She reached her room and, just as she closed the door behind her, the lights went out. Ariana almost screamed in frustration. Then she sighed and fell back on her bed. Today was just not her day.

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