Chapter 12 - You know she's lying?

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Will POV

Earlier at lunch when Allie started speaking Russian to say I was surprised would be an understatement. She has relaxed around us and no longer seems to be so nervous but sometimes I notice that her gaze flickers around and she flinches at loud noises. Asking her wouldn't get me anywhere so I let it slide. We have gym after lunch and so Rosie and Allie leave to go get changed before us. I have no idea why girls spend so much time getting ready but there you are.

The boys and I are lounging around in the gym when the girls walk in. Allie sees us and they start to head over. Rosie says something that has Allie giggling and her smile is stunning. Jeez, I sound like a girl. Her eyes are shining and she shakes her head while I just stare. I suddenly feel an elbow being slammed into my side. I wince and turn to scowl at my youngest brother.

'What the hell was that for?' Jason shrugs,

'You were staring, it was creepy. Besides, I don't think you want her to see you staring at her.' I roll my eyes and grunt but turn away.

Five minutes later the teacher walks in and yells at us to split into groups. The twins, Jason, Rosie, Allie and I all form a group. We are supposed to be doing some stupid activities but end up laughing and joking around a lot. Jason goes up behind Allie and picks her up. She is hanging over his shoulder and laughing while pounding on his back to let her down. The twins are laughing and I just stand back and watch with a small smile on my face until I see it. Where Jason is tickling Allie's sides, he has lifted her shirt up slightly. My gaze zeroes in on the big purple bruise stretching from her hip and up her side where it disappears under the shirt. Hunter and Hayden must see it at the same time because their faces fade into shock and anger. Jason realises something is going and lowers Allie to the floor. I am beside her in a second,

'Why do you have a massive bruise on your side?'

'What?' She asks and Rosie shifts uncomfortably next to her.

'The bruise. On your side. How did you get it?' Something flashes in Allie's eyes.

'None of your business.' I growl and take a step toward her. Her eyes glaze over in fear and I quickly step back.

'I'm sorry.' She shakes her head and runs out of the room with Rosie on her heels. My brothers and I look at each other, what don't we know?

When we exit the changing rooms Allie and Rosie are leaning against the wall opposite in deep conversation. They straighten up when they see us and I stop about a metre away.

'Hey.' Allie says in a soft voice. I cock my head to the side,


'Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't want to tell you because I found it awkward but the other day I was walking around the rough part of the neighbourhood and this guy tried to rob me. He punched me in the side and then ran away.' I am silent, I know straight away that she is lying but I don't want to push her and I certainly don't want to ever see that look of fear on her face ever again.

'Okay, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have been so rude and aggressive in asking you.' I say and Allie relaxes,

'Thanks guys, see you later.' We nod with smiles on our faces as the girls walk away. Once they are out of ear shot I look at my brother's in turn.

'You know she was lying right?' Jason says and I nod,

'No shit, but I don't want to force her to hard. It'll drive her away. Besides she was terrified when I was trying to ask her earlier.' Hunter sighs,

'Something is bothering me.' We all look at him,

'What do you mean?' Hayden asks and Hunter shakes his head,

'I'm not sure but it's bugging me.' There is a pause and then Hunter shakes his head.

'Forget I said anything.'

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