Chapter 14 - Saved by the bell

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Will POV

The next morning when I come downstairs Chance is leaning against the counter while the rest of my brothers shovel food down their throats. I frown at my eldest brother, we never normally see him in the morning.

'Hey bro, everything okay?' Chance looks at me,

'Yeah. I'm gonna drive you to school today. I wanna have a word with someone.' I frown but nod. We don't need to worry about picking Allie up because Rosie said she would drove her to school today. When we pull up to school said girls are leaning against the fence. They stand up as they see the car and Chance quickly gets up and speeds away leaving me staring after him in surprise. He approaches Allie and after a few seconds they walk away from Rosie a few paces. The rest of us reach Rosie and give her questioning looks.

'I don't know. He came over and said he wanted to talk to her.' I chat with the rest of them but keep an eye on my brother and Allie. When she suddenly starts to talk louder, I turn my body towards them more, ready to intervene, but then Allie comes storming over to us. She shoulder barges me and walks off but not before growling at me,

'Tell your brother to mind his own.' Rosie shoots us an apologetic look but follows her friend. I turn back to confront my brother but his car is already squealing out of the lot.

We eventually find the girls hanging by their lockers and Allie seems a lot cooler than 20 minutes ago. She turns to us and smiles softly,

'Sorry about that.'

'No biggie, what did our brother do?' Hunter asks curiously and Allie shakes her head.

'Oh, it was nothing.' She is lying but by now I am almost used to it and so let it go. I sense someone heading in our direction and look up to see some blonde surfer looking guy approaching. His gaze fixed on Allie.

'Hey.' He says and she spins around, surprise clear on her face.

'Um, hey. Can I help you?' Rosie looks on curiously while the boys and I stay silent, ready to intervene if something happens.

'Yeah, you're Allie right?'

'So I've been told.' My girl replies sarcastically. He nods and clears his throat.

'Well, I was wondering, um, maybe do you want to go on a date or something?' Allie's mouth forms a perfect o, Rosie raises an unimpressed eyebrow and I just grit my teeth to stay silent. Does he not see the 4 of us standing here or something?

'Ummm.' Allie says but doesn't seem to be able to form words. I watch her for a second and then notice how uncomfortable she looks. Shit, she doesn't want to go on a date with him. I thought she was just nervous. Thinking on my feet I step forward and wrap an arm around her. I feel her go completely still but she doesn't pull away and so I press on.

'Sorry dude, she is taken. Now walk away.' Blonde guy glares at me,

'I'm pretty sure the pretty lady can talk for herself.'

'She can, but I'm answering you. Walk away now. She has a date with me tonight so she is busy.' Blonde guy scoffs and looks at Allie. When she doesn't say anything he scoffs,

'Fine, stuck up bitch.' Oh hell no, I see my brothers practically spitting fire.

'What?' He looks at me,

'I said stuck up bitch.'

'I heard you; I was just giving you a chance to change what you said.' I step forward and stand eye to eye with him. As well as I can anyway, he is a good head shorter than me and a hell of a lot skinnier. He takes me in and gulps.

'Apologise.' When the guy says nothing. I grip his shirt,


'Fine! Sorry, Jesus overreaction much.' I am about to kill this guy and I step forward again to invade his personal space but then a hand grips my arm.

'It's fine.' When I don't move Allie speaks again. 'Will. Hey, seriously it's cool.' I glance back at her and think I see a flicker of fear and worry in her eyes. I quickly step away from blondie who walks away but fairly quickly.

'Sorry.' She shakes her head.

'Don't worry thanks for coming up with an excuse.'

'I was being serious.' Allie's mouth recreates that perfect o and I restrain a smile.

'Come again?' She mutters and I tilt my head to the side.

'I was being serious. You and me, dinner tonight?' A faint blush colours her cheeks,


'I don't joke babe, not with you.' She goes completely red and clears her throat.

'Then yeah. Sounds cool.' I stop myself from punching the air and smile at her.

'It's a date.' I had forgotten Rosie and my brother's until a throat is cleared and I turn to look at a very smiley Rosie and some very amused brothers. Then the bell rings and I smile weakly.

'Saved by the bell.'

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