Chapter 15 - It's JUST a date

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Allie POV

Rosie and I are the first people in lunch and as soon as we are sat down she starts to plague me with questions.

'Omg, that was so cute earlier. Do you know where you are going? Are you going to kiss him? Do you like him, wait stupid question. He's hot.' I sit and wait for her to run out of steam and when she does I raise an eyebrow.

'You done?' Rosie has the grace to look sheepish,

'Yeah sorry, but you two are just so cute.' I laugh,

'It's just a date, calm down.' I see the boys approaching and so I quickly change the subject.

That evening I am changed and waiting for Will to arrive. I hear a doorbell ring and brushing my clothes I hurry to answer it. Will stands there wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. He looks hot and we check each other out for a moment.

'You look beautiful.' Will finally says and I blush,

'Thanks, you too. Wait, you look hot, not beautiful.' Will chuckles and winks,

'Thanks sweetheart. Ready to go?' I nod and accept Will's outstretched arm as we walk to his car. He is a perfect gentleman, opening my car door and when we get to the restaurant after a fairly quiet drive he opens the restaurant door to let me go through first.

'Table for two please.' He tells the waitress who smiles flirtingly. Seriously? Can she not see me standing right here? She leads us to a table near the back and Will holds the chair out for me and I see the waitress shoot me a dirty look

'Can I get you any drinks to start?' Her attention is entirely on Will and he gestures at me.

'Just water please.' The girl scowls but writes it down.

'Coke for me please.' She gives him a beaming smile that has me throwing up in my mouth,

'Sure thing.' She walks away and Will looks down at his menu.

'Well then, you have an admirer.' He frowns and looks at me,

'What do you mean?' I gape at him, is he that oblivious. Judging by the look on his face I would say yeah.

'That waitress, she was practically eye raping you.' Will shakes his head with a smirk.

'You jealous babe?'

'Huh, no.' I snap and he raises and eyebrow.

'Shut up, no.'

'Don't worry, only one woman in here that I have eyes for.' I blush, again, and he smiles. Not a cocky one but a comforting smile that has my mouth tilting up.

'Seriously, we can go somewhere else if you'd like?' I shake my head,

'No, it's fine.'

The rest of the evening passes with the waitress desperately trying for Will's attention while he very obviously ignores her and pays me attention. The meal is nice apart from her minutely interruptions and we spend it all laughing and talking. It gets awkward when Will asks about my family but I brush it off and he either doesn't notice or realises that I don't want to talk about it. Hearing Will talk about his brother's warms my heart and it is obvious how close they are. It reminds me off my brother and that hurts but Will changes the subject when I start to get a bit choked up. In the car on the way home Will turns to me,

'You want to come back to mine for a bit.' I shrug,

'Yeah sure.' When we get to his house Will pushes the door open and shouts loudly,

'Hey, I'm back.' A chorus of cheers goes up,

'Hey Will, how'd it go with Allie?'

'Heya, did you kiss her?' That last one is from Jason and I roll my eyes while Will growls. I walk into the lounge with Will on my heels,

'No he didn't Jase.' Jason looks at me shocked and then scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

'Oh hey Allie, fancy seeing you here.' I laugh while the twins nudge their little brother who scowls.

'How'd it go?' Hunter asks and Will steps up behind me. I can feel his body heat and the brush of his body against mine.

'It was great, and that's all you losers are going to hear.' They grumble a bit but turn back to the game they were playing. I suddenly hear footsteps and then Derek walks in.

'Oh, he brought you back.' His tone is distant and I shuffle awkwardly, he obviously doesn't want me here. I just don't know what his problem is.

'Derek, don't be a dick. Ignore him.' Will tells me, glaring at his older brother who glares straight back.

'Look, I need to get home.'

'Come on Allie, you don't need to go.'

'No seriously it's fine. Take me home?' I say it to try and get Will away from Derek as I don't trust that they won't kill each other. Will's gaze softens and he nods,

'Sure baby girl.' I smile up at him and then hear Jason fake gagging in the background.

'See you guys.' A chorus of bye's rises from the boys.

When we pull up outside of my house. Will runs around the car and opens my door before I can even move and I giggle.

'Ever the gentleman.' He bows jokingly. We walk up to the door and I am thankful my dad didn't randomly decide to come home tonight.

'So...' I say and Will smiles mockingly.


'I had a good night.'

'Me too.' Will replies his hands in his pockets.

'So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow.' He nods and I turn and open the door. When it is open I look back at Will, he takes me in and I blush at his heated look.

'Screw it.' Before I can ask what he means he lunges forward and presses his lips against mine. I am frozen before I slowly start to recuperate the kiss. It is soft and our mouths are closed but it is still sweet and everything I want. Will pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

'Sorry, I couldn't help myself.' I shake my head,

'It's what I wanted.' He presses his lips to my forehead and then nudges me gently.

'Go on, in you go.' That night, I fall asleep and there are no nightmares. Only thought of Will and I have my first good sleep in years.

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