Chapter 9 - Nicely done brother

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Chapter 9

Allie POV

‘I can’t tell you that but I just had a problem. It’s sorted now though, I’m fine.’ Will growls something and then looks at me,

‘Don’t bullshit me sweetheart. What was wrong?’ I rub my forehead with a hand,

‘Please Will, don’t push me. It was nothing, or at least nothing you need to worry about. I’ll tell you at some point but until then let it go.’ I say the last three words forcefully to put my point across and when Will opens his mouth to say something else, Hunter nudges him and gives him a look. They have a silent conversation until Will finally grumbles in acknowledgement,

‘Fine, as long as you are okay?’ I smile slightly and nod. Jason stands up and starts to wonder around the lounge looking at a few of the things hanging on the walls, I leave him too it, not thinking anything of it until Jason suddenly takes a picture off the wall and stares at it for a second. He shows it to the boys while I stare in confusion, I can’t quite make out what the picture is. I notice that Will grits his teeth and looks away from the photo before Jason walks over to me and kneels down. He turns the picture round and when I see it my blood freezes.

‘Who is this?’ He asks but I just stare at the two people. I finally manage to choke out,

‘It’s me.’

Jason looks at me and then back at the picture in his hand.

‘No way.’ He says but I can see that he is already seeing the similarities between me and the girl in the picture. I can’t blame him for not recognizing me though. In the picture, I have a beaming smile on my face. My hair is in pigtails and slightly darker than right now, while my eyes hold a happiness I haven’t seen in a while. Now when I look in the mirror I see light blonde hair, dead eyes and pale skin. However it is not my past self that has me frozen, it is the boy in the picture with me. He has an arm around me while I lean into him. He stares down at me while I stare at the camera, happy smile on my face and love shining out of his eyes. I am only 4 in the picture and the boy is only 6 but even at that age, Danny was still my protector and my best friend.

‘Who is the guy?’ Jason asks curiously and I glance down at my hands, fumbling in my lap. I stay silent and I notice that everyone is staring at me; even Chance has looked up from his phone.

‘Allie, who is this?’ Somehow I find the courage to speak and I look up at Jason,

‘My brother.’ My voice cracks slightly but I don’t think the boys hear it as Jason walks back to the couch and sits down,

‘No way, that’s so cool I didn’t know you have a brother.’

‘I don’t.’ I say quietly and I see Chance stiffen and the phone fall out of his hands, he was the only person close enough to hear me and I know that he has grasped what I mean.

‘Oh, we should meet him that would be cool. If he is like you then we will get along great. Can you introduce us?’ Jason keeps talking oblivious to my pain and Chance’s glares in his direction; I glance up and make eye contact with all of the boys who stare at me curiously aside from Hunter who slowly seems to be understanding.

‘You can’t.’ I say and Jason frowns,

‘Sorry, what? I didn’t hear you?’ I clear my throat,

‘I said you can’t.’ Jason looks confused,

‘Why? Your brother will love us, why can’t you introduce us.’ Suddenly I snap,

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