Chapter 1 - The Bryant Brothers

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Chapter 1

Allie POV

‘Allie, I have an emergency in my sector. Can you go and serve my table. Number 5.’ I groan but paste a fake smile on my face.

‘Sure Chelsea.’ I say and my co-worker sends me a grateful look as she hurries out with a cloth and cleaning spray. I grab my notepad and pen and start to head over to the table she said. I am not paying attention so it is only when I am a few metres away, and hence too close to turn around and leave, that I realise I am about to serve the Bryant brothers. Oh kill me now. I pluck up any courage inside me as I stop beside their table. Their conversation ceases and 5 sets of eyes turn to me. I shuffle uncomfortably and I can feel the blush trying to spread across my face.                                 

The Bryant brothers, ridiculously good looking, cocky and complete badasses. Get in a fight with them and you will come out the end wishing you were dead. They are scary and can send even the biggest guy running in the other direction. I scan my eyes over the boys in front of me. The oldest is Chance, I think he is about 20 but no one is really sure. His eyes are the most serious and I never see him smile. His icy grey eyes miss nothing. At the opposite end of the brothers is Jason, the youngest. He’s 16 and from what I have heard, is the easiest going out of all the boys. Likes to pull pranks, get drunk, get arrested and then get bailed out of prison by his brothers. His grey eyes so similar to his eldest brother hold laughter. The twins, Hayden and Hunter are identical and have an unnerving habit of doing things at the exact same time. Case in point as they both set their menus down at the same time and then cross their arms simultaneously. They are 17 and so the same age as me. Finally there is Will. In my opinion he is the hottest out of all the boys, think brown hair and eyes that seem to cut right through you. I notice that apart from Chance who looks bored, all of the guys are staring at me. For some reason I decide I wish to die today and I snap at them sarcastically.

‘Take a picture, it will last longer.’ All four of their eyebrows raise and I wince. Great; goodbye school, goodbye sun, goodbye life. They are going to kill me. A guy interrupted their conversation once and was in hospital for a week after one of the twins beat him up, not sure which one.

‘Umm, sorry. What can I get you guys?’ I ask. They quickly place their orders and I notice that Jason the youngest is staring at me particularly intensely. I look around at the rest of the boys and I am faintly surprised to see Will staring straight at me, something shining in his eyes.

‘Great, can I get you guys anyth-?’

‘Allie Colson I swear to god, you had better explain to me why your f – oh.’ My best friend was marching across the diner screaming at me but stopped when she saw who I was talking to. I wince and turn to the boys who all of amused looks on their faces, apart from Chance who is glaring at me. Okay then, what got his panties in a twist?

‘I’m sorry. I’ll just go place your order.’ I say and try and smile at them, I don’t give any of them the chance to reply before I grab my best friend and drag her away.

Will POV

I hear footsteps approaching but ignore them as I continue to tease my youngest brother. I suddenly realise that someone is standing at the end of the table. It seems all my brothers realise it because they fall silent. Fuck me, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen is standing there with a waitress outfit on and her pad and pen clutched in her hand. Her gaze flickers over all of us and seems to linger on me but I may just be imagining it. Meanwhile, neither Jason the twins or I can look away from here. Something about her just draws you in.

‘Take a picture it will last longer.’ She suddenly snaps and I nearly laugh. Wow, someone is sarcastic. I think I even see a flicker of humour on Chance’s face but with him you never know. My brothers all look shocked and I have to admit, I did not expect this beautiful blonde to be so rude. Her eyes widen and I think I see fear in her eyes but she brushes it away and stands up straighter. She gains my respect for not running away like everyone else does.

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