Chapter 8 - He's back

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Chapter 8

Allie POV

I wake up in the morning and turning my phone on I head downstairs for breakfast, my phone suddenly buzzes and I glance down at the text.

Will be back tonight. I want a clean house and dinner waiting for me at 6. My dad, he doesn’t normally text me when he is coming home so I am slightly confused but I know I can’t go to the boy’s house tonight. I hear a car in the driveway and I quickly run outside. Will is halfway up the drive but stops when he sees me and shoots me a sheepish smile.

‘Hey.’ He says and I smile,

‘Hey.’ We get in and when we arrive at school I suddenly take note of my surroundings.

‘Oh my god, it snowed.’ There is only about 1 cm of snow but I hadn’t even noticed. The boys all notice,

‘Well damn, someone is observant this morning.’ Hunter jokes and I fake a glare at him. We get out and start walking into school. I step on a patch of ice and start to slip when an arm wraps around my waist and steadies me. I glance back and Will is staring at me. I can feel his warm arm sending tingles down my body but I just stare into his eyes. Sounds cheesy I know.

‘Careful clumsy.’ He says jokingly but if I’m not mistaken his voice is slightly husky and his gaze definitely flickers to my mouth before returning to my eyes. I blush slightly and Will slowly removes his arm. Glancing to the side I see his brothers all looking on with knowing expressions.

‘Come on.’ I say and they follow me into school. I think I hear my name mentioned but I refuse to turn around. I don’t see Rosie until lunchtime when she walks over to the table in the corner that has become ours. Will sits on one side of me with Jason on the other. She flops down opposite me and sighs.

‘You okay?’ I ask and she nods,

‘Yeah, you going back to theirs tonight?’ She nods her head at the boys and I wince, I forgot to tell them I couldn’t come.

‘Oh yeah. Umm, I can’t come tonight.’ I say and they look at me in surprise,

‘Why not?’ I open my mouth but nothing comes out. Finally I manage to speak,

‘Ummm, my dad. Yeah, he wanted to spend tonight with me.’ Rosie knows my dad hasn’t been home the past few days so when I mention him her head snaps to me. I nod, not trusting myself to speak but apparently she doesn’t have that problem.

‘Seriously, how do you know?’

‘He text me.’ Her jaw drops; she knows how rare it is for my dad to text me.


‘Yes, oh.’ I say sarcastically and her eyes narrow,

‘Well you better text me later, you know why.’ I glare at her, she makes me text her every night when my dad is home in case I need any help. If I don’t text by 11:30 she comes to the house and climbs in the window. I’ m annoyed that she brought it up in front of the boys though.

‘Yes I know why. I always do and it’s always the same reply.’

‘Your forgot once actually and I nearly broke my neck climbing through your window only to find you tucked up in bed with your phone out of battery.’ I look at her in surprise,

‘You never told me that.’ She shrugs but we stop when a throat clears beside us, we freeze when we remember that the boys have been there the whole time. Shit. We smile nervously and quickly change the conversation topic.

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