Chapter 16 - He's whipped

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Allie POV

When I woke up in the morning I jumped out of bed and when I looked at my reflection I saw some hope and life in my eyes. That's all thanks to Will; just the thought of him has me going crazy and my cheeks pink slightly. I quickly dive into the shower before I can get carried away thinking about him. Rosie is picking me up this morning and as soon as I am strapped in she accelerates away from the curb.

'Spill. Tell me everything.' I giggle but oblige and tell her everything about last night. When I get to the kiss she squeals.

'Holy shit, I want a Will.' I frown and look at her,

'What do you mean?' She gives me a look that suggests I'm crazy and I shrug.

'He has never shown any interest in girl's apart from when he wants them in bed and now with you he is like a love struck idiot. He is whipped, trust me.' Now it's my turn to look at her like she is crazy,

'I think you are deluded. He isn't whipped.' Rosie just hums and ignores me. We are silent the rest of the ride and when we get to school the boys are already here. She looks at me,

'Lover boy's waiting for you.' I growl at her jokingly and we get out of the car. As we approach them I shyly look up at Will and see he is watching my approach, a slight smile playing on his lips.

'Hey.' He says softly when I reach him and I smile,

'Hey.' He gives my hand a squeeze and I find myself leaning in to his warmth while the twins and Jason chat with Rosie who gives me suggestive looks.

It passes like this all morning. Will and I gently flirting and casually touching while Rosie winks and stares me down. I just ignore her. Rosie doesn't have the lesson before lunch with us and so we are meeting her in the cafeteria. As we are walking I hear a sigh and then a hand intertwines with mine. I glance at Will who looks ahead and continues conversing with Jason who is on the other side of him but the corner of his mouth tips up and I feel him squeeze my hand. I say nothing and keep walking but can't help the sparks that are shooting from my hand. When we get close to Rosie she looks at me and then our hands, to Will and then back to me. I hold up my spare hand warningly,

'Rosie.' She shrugs innocently,

'What?' I glare and she giggles, the rest of the boys staring on in confusion. I sit down at Will's insistence and he leaves to get some food with the others. Rosie and I are talking when I feel someone approaching. The guy from yesterday who asked me out comes to a stop and I tilt my head in confusion.

'Umm, what is it now?'

'Well now that you have had a chance to go on a date with that dick, do you want to come out with a real man?' I look over at the queue but Will is joking about something with Jason and the twins are talking to some other guy.

'No, it's okay thanks. That dick is her boyfriend.' I snap my head to Rosie as she says this,

'Rosie!' I hiss and she shrugs,

'You may as well be.'

'So you're not actually his girlfriend?' He questions and I sigh,

'No, but I don't want to go on a date with you.' The guy looks pissed,

'Why?' God this guy won't take a hint.

'Just because.'

'God you're such a frigid bitch, I wish that dick the best of luck.' I flinch but then hear a threatening growl and look up to see Will standing by the table.

'You...' He starts but I jump up,

'Will no.' His fists are clenched and the guy sneers,

'Whipped man, she is frigid but when you are done with her pass her on. She could be fun.' This guy must really have a death wish. Will gently detaches me and then I feel another pair of arms wrap around me and then Will turns around and smashes his fist into the guys face. I shout but he ignores me. Everyone in the room is watching but no one moves. Everyone is scared and with good reason. Will looks lethal, I risk a glance at the twins and I know that if Will wasn't beating up this guy they would be. Jason's arms are tense around me and I sigh. Protective idiots. The guy is on the floor and blood is streaming out of his mouth.

'Hunter, Hayden stop him. Please.' The violence is starting to scare me and they must hear it in my voice because they look at each other before stepping forward and pulling Will away. He swears and struggles and I speak up.

'Will, please.' He goes still and looks at me. He pulls away and walks over to me. Jason releases me as Will wraps his arms around me. His face is buried in my neck and I wrap my arms around his back. I breathe in his scent and bury one of my hands in his hair. Slowly the tension starts to leak out of his body and then he pulls away.

'I'm sorry.' I shake my head,

'It's fine; I just didn't want you to get into trouble.' He chuckles,

'I'm fine babe.'


Sorry for how short these chapters are, I'm just trying to make up for my long time of no uploads. I'll make them longer soon, promise.  Love ya.

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