Chapter 18 - I owe you an explanation

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Will POV

Jason runs ahead of me and opens the front door and then clears everything off the kitchen table. It is big and we need to start healing her soon. Somehow I know she wouldn't want us to take her to the hospital so we are going to try and fix her up the best we can at home. Allie is still out cold and cradled in my arms. The tears have long since dried up and now all I feel is rage but I keep it under control. I place her on her front on the table, as gently as I can. Chance rips what is left of her shirt away from her body and I don't even have it in me to care that everyone can see her upper body. Jason has run to get the first aid kit while Hunter and Hayden get everything else we need. Now that everything is coming together I start to panic. She could have fucking died if we hadn't got there. Suddenly I feel a slap and I look up shocked to see Chance with an arm still raised.

'Get your shit together brother. You need to comfort her. She may wake up and if so we can't let her fall back into unconsciousness. Keep her together, and keep yourself together.' I shake my head to clear it and then nod,

'Yeah, right.' I sit down and hold her hand in a tight grip, offering her comfort as much as myself. Chance rolls up his sleeves and pours some alcohol that the twins got over her wounds. The liquid mixes with the blood and drips down the table. There is a hell of a lot of blood and it is almost impossible to see the extent of the damage. Jason comes running down the stairs with the first aid kit while Hunter and Hayden start to gently wash away the rest of the blood. When it is finally cleaned up I hear several intakes of breath. Her back is completely butchered. Scars criss-cross over the entirety there is barely any skin left unblemished. Chance pours some more alcohol on them to make sure they are clean. I suppose thankfully they are quite thin and so don't need stitches. The bleeding is stopped and so Chance begins to wrap bandages around her whole upper body. Finally she is covered and we set to the front of her body. I sit her up and she is limp in my arms. I gently lay her on her back and we look at her face which has bruises and a particularly nasty gash. Chance sets to cleaning that up while Jason goes to grab medicine for when she wakes up. The twins check the lower half of her body for injuries.

'Shit.' I look at Chance, who is peering at the cut on her forehead,

'It needs stitches.' I nod,

'Do it while she is still out then.' My eldest brother just nods and pours the last bit of alcohol onto her forehead, being careful not to let it go into her eyes. Suddenly the hand I'm holding tenses and I sit forward.

'Allie?' She lets out a small groan and squeezes my hand again,

'You're okay baby.' Her eyes flicker open, filled with pain.

'What happened?' Her voice is scratchy and I hush her,

'Not now, later. Chance needs to stitch you up but you need to stay awake okay.' She smiles slightly and nods. Chance moves forward and begins to stitch her head. Allie's grip on me tightens as she winces in pain and I gently talk to her until Chance finally steps back.

'I'm done.' He walks to the sink and washes Allie's blood of his hands, Hunter and Hayden step into the spot he vacated and give her small smiles.

'Hey Allie.'

'Hey boys. Owww shit.' She suddenly winces,

'My wrist, I think it's broken.' I suddenly remember the way she was cradling it. Chance hurries back over and looks it over, trying not to touch it.

'Dislocated, Hunter you need to put it back in place.' Hunter nods and then looks at me.

'This is going to hurt.' Allie grips my hand and I stroke the hair from her face.

'Look at me.' I say and she does. Her eyes seem to pierce me and I smile. She returns it and then screams.

'Sorry, it's done.' Hunter says and then Chance puts a homemade splint on it and wraps it up. Silence falls and then Jason appears.

'I have the meds. Allie!' Jason beams when he sees Allie awake and rushes over.

'Hey Jase.'

'Come on, you can't go to sleep yet. Might as well explain everything.' Chance says and I notice he is already returning to his normal surly self. I scoop her up in my arms before she can complain and she winces at the pressure of my arms on her back. I apologise and try and move my arm slightly away from pressing into the wounds. I gently set her down on the sofa and then sit next to her. She curls into me slightly and I can't help but smile. Hayden launches into the story of what happened and when we finish we all look at her expectantly.

Allie POV

'What can I say? He's an abusive asshole. Always has been, always will be. My brother used to protect me but I went out one day and came back to find my dead brother in the lounge. Lying in a pool of his own blood. He was distracted and let my dad get the better of him. My brother had just found out that his girlfriend was pregnant, dad beat him to death and his girlfriend was left with the kid.'

'Bobby.' Jason questions and I nod,

'Yeah he is my nephew, that's why he looks like me. My brother and I look really similar.'

'What about your mum?' Chance asks and I glance at him.

'Dead.' He looks slightly awkward.


'I was young, no older than Bobby.'

'How'd she die?' Hunter asks and I pause before I reply. I may as well tell them the whole gruesome truth.


'Oh.' Hunter says and everyone looks away and Chance clears his throat.

'Do you have no other family?' Hayden asks and I shake my head,

'No... well yeah. I have an uncle.'

'Oh where's he?' Chance asks sounding hopeful, he probably wants to get rid of me.

'Prison.' I reply, my voice cold. No one says anything for a moment and then Jason speaks up.

'Why is he in prison?' I clear my throat, the tears coming to my eyes as I think of what happened.

'Murder.' Everyone freezes and then Chance asks what everyone is thinking.

'Did your uncle kill your mum?' I sob and look at Chance through the tears,

'Yes.' I choke out

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