Chapter 4 - Who said chivalry was dead?

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Chapter 4

Will POV

‘Get out of our sight before we make you. Come near us or Allie again and you’re fucked. Okay?’ Jason is the angriest I have ever seen him and I can see how much Allie means to him already. Britney looks at the twin who have disgusted and angry looks on their faces. Her gaze rests on me and I direct as much hate and anger into one look as I can and she turns white.

‘Ummm. Yeah, um.’ She stutters and walks away. Silence falls,

‘Who’s Danny?’ Jason asks and I shrug while the boys shake their heads,

‘No idea.’ They say in unison.

‘Whoever he was, he affected her a lot.’ I say and they all nod. Thankfully the girls make it back just before the teacher arrives and it makes my heart stutter when I see Allie’s red eyes. The pain shining from her eyes hits me in the gut and I just stare as she wraps her arms around herself protectively and lowers herself into the seat. Rosie sits down at the table in front. The teacher walks in but we ignore him. Jason stands up and walking over he crouches down next to her and places a hand over hers.

‘You okay, sweetheart?’ His tone is soft and I wait for her answer. She just nods wordlessly and the twins look at me over her head.

‘I’m guessing she told you everything, or you asked her who he was.’ When she says he I instantly know who she is talking about.

‘No.’ Hayden speaks this time and her head turns slightly to look at him.

‘What?’ She whispers and even Rosie looks surprised.

‘Whoever he is, whatever happened, it’s your story to tell and we will wait until you are ready to tell us. Until then, it is none of our business and besides, we are never interacting with that devil spawn again.’ Hayden continues and I think I see a flicker of gratitude in her eyes as she looks at us all.

‘What if I am never ready to tell?’ She says softly and Hunter shakes his head,

‘Then I guess we will never know. But honey, you can trust us.’ She looks at my brother’s in turn and then looks back at me. I nod my head slightly, never once breaking eye contact and I see hope in her eyes.

‘Thank you and I know I can trust you.’ I am proud that it was me encouraging her that led her to trust us. I suddenly realise that the room is silent and I look up to see the whole class staring at us. They wouldn’t have been able to hear anything but Jason is crouched by her chair while the rest of us lean in. I clear my throat and Jason squeezes her hand before returning to his seat.

‘Can we begin the lesson now?’ The teacher asks and I just glare at him. Dick.

Allie POV

After the incident earlier I thought it would be awkward but apparently not. It isn’t brought up again and the boys cheer me up quickly and for that I’m grateful. We walk to my locker at the end of the day and Rosie turns to me.

‘Hey, I know I was going to give you a ride but my mum needs me to go and do some stuff.’ I nod,

‘Yeah, no don’t worry it’s fine. I’ll walk.’ Rosie looks at me doubtfully but then Will interrupts.

‘We can take you home.’ My head snaps to him,


‘You need a lift right? We don’t mind taking you home, right guys.’ A chorus of no’s comes from the others and I pause for a moment.

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