Chapter 11 - I love them, wait what?

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Chapter 11

Allie POV

After the boys defended me this morning the message seems to have got around and nobody even glances my way. Well, I suppose hanging with the most feared boys in the school does have its perks.

We are sitting eating our lunch when Rosie approaches at a fast walk.

‘Is it true?’ She asks and we all look at her calmly,

‘Care to elaborate honey?’ Hunter asks sarcastically but she ignores him,

‘Is it true that some guy made a move and you guys defended her when he called her a bitch and then you punched him?’ I laugh at the last bit,

‘All of it is true, apart from the punching bit.’ Rosie looks disappointed,

‘Oh, that was the best part.’ I shake my head at my best friend in amusement. My phone suddenly rings and I glance down at it.

David calling.        

I quickly slide across the screen to answer it.

‘Hello?’ I ask,

‘Hey Al, it’s me.’

‘What’s up, is it Bobby?’ At the mention of the little boy everyone at the table straightens up,

‘Well kinda, can you talk freely.’ I glance at the table, it’s not that I don’t trust them but I want to know what this is about but I can’t be bothered to move. So I just switch to Russian, David and I both speak it. It’s a long story how but yeah, it comes in helpful in certain situations.

‘Yeah, tell me what’s wrong.’ I say in Russian and all the boys look at me like I have grown a second head.

‘Bobby is huddled in the corner crying and we can’t get through to him. He just screams and lashes out at anyone that comes close. I can’t work out what is wrong but he needs his medication and I can’t get close enough to give it to him.’ I sigh, Bobby has diabetes and takes medicine every few hours.

‘Okay, listen to me…’ I slowly explain to David what he needs to do and after about 10 minutes David sighs,

‘Okay, he has stopped thrashing about, he is just sat there. Do I approach him.’

‘Yes, crouch down and approach slowly. Talk softly as you do so he knows that it is you.’ I can hear David do as I say and when I glance at the boys I can see the curiosity and awe in their expressions. I’m still speaking Russian.

‘Okay, I have given him the medication, he’s fine now. I’ll try and find out what happened later.’ David tells me and I nod, forgetting he can’t see me.

‘Okay, don’t push him.’

‘I won’t. Thanks Al.’

‘No problem, talk to you soon. Bye.’ I revert back to English and then hang up. There is a stunned silence and finally Jason speaks,

‘Oh come on, you speak Russian. That’s awesome.’ I giggle and he sits forward,

‘Say something in Russian.’ I wait for a moment and think of something to say and then smile slightly. I say something in rapid fire Russian. Will frowns,

‘What does that mean?’ I smile sweetly,

‘It means; Yes I speak Russian you idiot, it’s a rare gift and I’m not a performing monkey so don’t ask me to speak again or I’ll speak to my friends in the Bratva.’ Silence falls and then I burst out laughing.

‘Oh, you should see your faces. I’m kidding, I don’t have any friends in the Bratva.’ Jason glares at me,

‘Not funny Colson.’ I hold up my fingers, an inch apart from each other.

‘It was a tiny bit funny.’





‘Alright! You two, god you are like three year olds.’ We both pout at Hayden at the same time while everyone else just laughs. I realise that I love these guys and that scares me, because giving someone that power over you can completely destroy you.


Hey guys,

I know it was short but I updated twice sooooo......

Please please please comment, it would mean the worl to me. Even if you are giving advice or critiscing.


Love you <3




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