Chapter 3 - Meeting the Queen of the Barbies

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Chapter 3

Allie POV

This happens in all of the other classes. Well not the confrontation with the teacher obviously, but we sit in the same formation all morning and I have to admit the boys are pretty awesome. They are smart but also funny. I like them and they kind of remind me of my brother. I stop that thought straight away. No, I don’t want to start thinking like that. The bell rings for lunch and I nearly groan in relief. I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning so I am starving. We grab out stuff and start to walk to the cafeteria when I hear a very familiar sound. The sound of high heels and annoyed giggles. Oh hell, I would rather face the Bryant boys angry any day then have to face Britney and her minions. I sigh and all of the boys give me odd looks. I look up and see Britney and two of her friends walking determinedly towards us.

‘Missile incoming.’ I mutter and all the boys look at me and then the blonde bimbo approaching. They shuffle and then I realise I am surrounded by Bryant boys. The twins are directly behind me, Will stands on my right side and Jason on my left. We stop and Britney comes to a stop in front of us.

‘Hey.’ She says with a flirty smile which she sends at all the boys while sticking her boobs out. When her gaze lands on me it turns icy and she looks pissed but it quickly passes and the fake smile returns.

‘I’m Britney, and you must be Will, Jason and Hunter and Hayden, you must be the twins.’

‘No shit Sherlock. They’re identical; of course they are the twins.’ I mutter, only loud enough for the boys to hear and if the guffaws are anything to go by they found it quite amusing.

‘Yes we are.’ Comes Hunter’s voice from behind me and his face gives nothing away. Silence falls.

‘So, you’re new right?’ Britney tries again,

‘Have you seen them here before?’ I say sarcastically before I can stop myself, Britney glares at me,

‘Sorry? I don’t remember asking you.’

‘You’re forgiven.’ I reply and she looks confused for a moment,

‘Wait what?’

‘Forget it.’ I say with a smile while the boys snicker. She rolls her eyes and turns back to them.

‘Do you need someone to show you around?’ She asks obviously expecting them to jump at the chance.

‘No, we are okay thanks. Allie here is a great guide.’ Hunter says from behind me and I smirk. Britney growls and my eyes widen.

‘Wow, someone is on their period.’ Damn, I need to buy a filter for my mouth.

‘The hell did you just say to me?’ She steps towards me but all the boys suddenly straighten up and Will steps forwards slightly, his body angled in front of mine. Britney looks scared for a moment at the four huge guys who are all now glaring at her. She steps back and they relax again. I can’t help but smile, suddenly my stomach rumbles loudly and I can’t help the blush this time.

‘Well, it was…. interesting…. talking to you Britney but Allie is hungry so we are going to go.’ Jason says from beside me and the girl herself glares at me, as if I could control my stomach. We start to walk away and she calls after us.

‘See you boys around.’ I notice the extra emphasis she puts on boys and I roll my eyes.

‘I hope not.’ Hayden says from behind me.

When we finally reach the cafeteria, Rosie is pacing back and forth outside.

‘Thank god, where did you guys go?’

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