Chapter 2 - Do I want to know?

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Chapter 2

Allie POV

I take a deep breath before I get out the car. I glance at my reflection in the rear view mirror and nearly wince. My neck has a ring of red from where my dad grabbed me but it is not overly obvious. I also have a split lip but the rest of my injuries are hidden from sight. I groan but then quickly smother it as I get out my car. I walk slowly not wanting to strain myself and I have just got to my locker when I feel someone barrel into me and then arms are around my ribs squeezing.

‘Hey bitch, you didn’t call me back yesterday.’ I wince and this time I can’t help but let out the sigh of pain that escapes. Immediately Rosie releases me and steps back. Her gaze flickers from my lip, to my neck and to the way I hold my ribs protectively. Air hisses out from between her teeth and she looks furious.

‘Again? Really Allie, why didn’t you tell me?’ I shrug and she sighs again,

‘Sorry for hurting you, but when you told me about that asshole father of you I made you promise that you would always call me whenever he did something.

‘It was no big deal.’ Now it’s my turn to shrug and her gaze narrows,

‘Don’t even try it Allie Colson.’ I roll my eyes at her use of my surname. Rosie starts pulling stuff out of her locker which is conveniently next to mine while I lean against mine, waiting.

‘Look, just –’ She stops suddenly and her jaw drops, her gaze is fastened behind me and I suddenly realise that everyone has gone silent in the hallway. Frowning I look over my shoulder and feel my eyes nearly bug out when I see Will, Hunter, Hayden and Jason walking down the hall. What the hell are they doing here? I see Jason at the same time he sees me and I watch his eyes light up.

‘Guys, it’s Allie.’ His voice is loud and everyone in the hallway now stares at me as I shuffle uncomfortably, I hate being the centre of attention. Jason runs down the hallway while his brother’s follow at a more normal pace. When he reaches me he pulls me in for a hug and it takes everything inside of me not to wince. He finally let’s go and I let out the breath I was holding. Rosie is standing beside me as the rest of the boys reach us. There is an awkward silence and glancing around I see everyone staring at us with equal looks of fear, jealousy and confusion. The boys see where I am looking and Jason turns serious.

‘There isn’t anything to see here. Get back to whatever shit you were doing.’ Everyone suddenly finds something to be doing and Jason turns back to me with a winning smile.

‘Remember us?’ He asks and I have to suppress a laugh,

‘Of course I do. Quick question though, what were you going to do if I didn’t? I mean you just hugged me, which would give most people a scare if they didn’t know you.’ Jason ponders this for a second,

‘Well, the way I figure it. There is no way you could have forgotten someone as amazing as us.’ He finally says and I shake my head but the small smile stays on my face.

‘Fair enough.’ I turn to Will and the twins,

‘Hey.’ I say shyly and they all nod at me.

‘Oh um, this is Rosie. You met her, or saw her, when she so rudely burst into the diner the other night.’ My best friend glares at me but then smiles at the boys. It always amazes me how confident she is.

‘Hey boys.’ They all smile at her but I can feel someone’s gaze on me and looking up I see Will is staring at me with a small smirk on his face.

‘Something I can help you with Will?’ I ask sarcastically and his smirk turns in to a full blown smile. I feel the corner of my mouth tug up but stop when I feel my split lip start to sting. Will’s gaze zeroes in on it and his smile disappears. I gulp, oh shit. His stare then goes to my neck and I know he has seen the ring around it. Just to drive it home Jason nudges me slightly in the ribs to get my attention and I wince and flinch away. All the brother’s look at me with interest and I see Hunter and Hayden exchange a look.

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