Chapter 20 - A new home

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Will POV

About half an hour after Rosie leaves I hear soft footsteps on the stairs and then Allie walks into the room. Hunter leans over to mute the TV and we all smile slightly at her. She attempts a smile back but I can see how worn and tired she is, we all can.

'Hey, so thanks for everything but I don't want to impose any longer and-'

'Allie, this is your home now.' She looks at Jason shocked and then at each of us in turn. Even Chance, who holds her gaze and nods his head slightly,

'I... why would you do that for me?' No one replies for a moment and then Chance speaks up,

'Because no one deserves to live what you've lived through and then end up entirely alone. We've had a rough past yes, but we always had each other. Since your brother died you have had no one but you have a home now.' Allie is speechless for a second and then she speaks.

'Thank you.' Chance nods and then looks back down at his phone, obviously done with the touchy-feely. Allie walks over slowly and sits in the space beside me. I gingerly wrap an arm around her, careful not to put pressure on her back and I smile when she presses herself into my side and lays her head on my shoulder. Hunter once again reaches for the remote and we spend the next few hours watching films in a comfortable silence.

I wake up the next morning to fins everyone awake. We must have all fallen asleep watching TV and as such there are a few groans as people shake out stiff muscles. Allie is awake and when I glance down she is staring right at me, her mouth tipped up at the corners. I smile back,

'Morning babe.'

'Morning.' She replies and I see that already some colour is returning to her face. My girl is strong I'll say that. There is a silence and I realise we are alone in the lounge. I turn back and slowly leaning down, to give Allie time to push me away, I press my lips to hers. There is a brief pause and then her lips are moving against mine and she lifts one leg up slowly and throws it over me so she is now straddling me. I grip her hips and she sinks down in my lap. A groan escapes my mouth at the pressure she is placing on my dick and I feel her smile against my mouth. I take the opportunity to force my tongue through her lips and our tongues clash together. She breaks away and I press kisses down her jawline and collarbone. I hear a sigh and then my name followed by a loud cough in the doorway. I rip myself away and find my youngest brother with a cocky smile on his face.

'Breakfast is ready.'

Allie POV

I sense Will building up to a very angry response to Jason so I smile sweetly,

'Thanks Jason, we'll be in there in a second.' He nods, smirks once more and saunters out, while Will mutters something under his breath. I turn back to face him and lift his chin up with my hand.

'Stop moaning. If I'm living here now then we have all the time in the world.' That makes his face light up and he leans in for a chaste kiss. I quickly stand up before it can turn into anything more and grabbing his hand I tug him up and pull him into the kitchen were everyone is seated around the island, including Chance, who barely glances up when we walk in. We pile some food on our plates and once we are seated I begin to dig in, not realising how hungry I was.

'So, kissing must really make a person hungry then.' Jason suddenly says and I start to choke on the piece of bacon in my mouth while Will shoots daggers at his brother but also can't reply because he has a mouthful of food.

'Yes, well I doubt you'd know.' I reply and his eyes narrow,

'Ouch.' I shrug but I can see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

'I didn't say you could stay here just to make it easy to make out with your boyfriend.' My head snaps around to Chance who is glaring between Will and I.

'Chance, don't be a dick.' Will growls and I sense the storm brewing.

'I'm not, I'm telling the truth. This is supposed to be a sanctuary for her, it's not a whore house.' I feel my mouth drop open while Will stands up, his chair shooting back. Jason and the twins are glaring at their eldest brother but stay seated.

'What. Did you just say?' Will questions, his voice deadly calm. Chance stands up,

'You heard me.' Will lunges but Jason and Hunter are already pulling him back.

'You bastard. I will kill you. She was practically killed last night, I kiss her one and you call her a whore. What kind of person are you.' Will is screaming and Chance flicks him off before walking outside. I glance at Will,

'I'm fine. I'll be back.' I quickly hurry after Chance ignoring Will's shouts and his brother's efforts to hold him back. I see a door swing shut at the end of the hallway and hurry over to open it. It leads into a big training room and I wonder how I haven't noticed it before. Chance is sitting against a wall with his eyes closed and his arms resting on his knees. When the door swings shut behind me his eyes snap open and then harden when they rest on me.

'What do you want?'

'Just to ask one question. And then I'll leave. I'll even leave the house if it's what you really want.' There is a pause and then Chance nods his head.

'Yeah, fine whatever.'

'Why do you hate me?'


Hi!! I'm so sorry that both of these parts were so short. That's why I uploaded two chapters. They aren't my best so sorry about that, but hope you enjoyed!!

Please keep reading, voting, commenting. You have no idea how much it means to see those numbers increase. Love ya'll. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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