Chapter 47- The painful Departure

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Sathya walked away from the celebration, her heart heavy with unshed tears. She couldn't bear the thought of Sidh with Niyasha.

As she reached her car, Sathya's phone buzzed. A text from Arun:

"Arun: Hey Sathya, sorry again for today. Take care."

Sathya smiled weakly and replied:

"Sathya: Thanks, Arun bhai. You've changed."

Arun's response came instantly:

"Arun: For the better, I hope."

Sathya's eyes welled up. She started the engine and drove away from Sidh's mansion.

The city lights blurred as tears streamed down her face. Sathya pulled over, letting the emotions overwhelm her.

Why did she still love Sidh? Why couldn't she move on?

After composing herself, Sathya continued driving. Her phone buzzed again.

This time, it was Arunima:

"Arunima: Hey Sathya! How's Sidh's birthday bash?"

Sathya hesitated before responding:

"Sathya: It's...complicated."

Arunima sensed something was amiss.

"Arunima: What happened? Is everything okay?"

Sathya took a deep breath.

"Sathya: I'll tell you when I see you."

Arunima's response was reassuring:

"Arunima: I'm here for you, Sathya."

Sathya arrived at her apartment, emotions still swirling. She changed into comfortable clothes and settled onto the couch.

Arunima arrived shortly, concern etched on her face. "Sathya, what happened?"

Sathya recounted the birthday party, her voice cracking. "Seeing Sidh with Niyasha... it felt like a punch to the gut."

Arunima hugged Sathya tightly. "I'm so sorry, Sathya. I had no idea."

Sathya pulled back, wiping away tears. "I thought I was over him, but today proved otherwise."

Arunima's expression turned thoughtful. "Maybe you need closure."

Sathya's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

Arunima suggested, "Talk to Sidh. Clear the air. You deserve to know why he moved on."

Sathya hesitated, unsure if confronting Sidh would help or hurt more.

Just then, Sathya's phone buzzed. A text from Sidh:

"Sidh: Hey Sathya, thanks for coming today. Sorry if things felt awkward."

Sathya's heart skipped a beat.

Here's the continuation:

Sathya typed a response to Sidh, hiding her true emotions:

"Sathya: Happy birthday, Sidh! Thanks for inviting me. Wish you all the best."

She showed the message to Arunima, who raised an eyebrow.

Arunima asked, "That's it? You're not telling him how you feel?"

Sathya shook her head. "No, Arunima. I won't burden him."

Sathya then mentioned, "I saw Arun today. He talked to me."

Arunima's expression darkened. "No, Sathya, I don't want to hear his name. Just stop."

Arunima stood and walked toward her bedroom.

"Sathya, don't worry. You deserve a man like your favorite fictional character - someone who loves you truly."

The bedroom door closed, leaving Sathya alone on the couch.

Sathya's thoughts swirled, memories of Sidh and their past overwhelming her.

Why did I still love him?

Why couldn't I move on?

As tears fell, Sathya realized she needed answers.

Sathya slept that day on the sofa

Next day...

Here's the passage with dialogue:

Love Reborn

Sathya woke up to Ava's gentle voice, "Sathya... Sathya, wake up. It's 8:00 am."

Sathya sprang out of the sofa, realizing she had slept too late.

"What's the hurry?" Ava asked.

Sathya checked her phone. "I have duty at 9:00. The staff just called."

Ava yawned. "We have duty at night. You're on morning shift today."

Sathya nodded and rushed to get ready.

As she drove to the hospital, Sathya's mind wandered to Sidh's birthday party the previous day.

At the hospital, nurses and staff greeted her warmly.

"Good morning, Doctor."

"Good morning," Sathya replied, making her way to her cabin.

Just then, her phone buzzed.

It was sidh's message

Here's the continuation:

Sathya's heart skipped a beat as she read the message:

"Sidh: Hey Sathya, hope you're doing well. Wanted to thank you again for coming to my birthday party. Would love to catch up soon."

Sathya's fingers trembled as she typed a response.

"Sathya: Hi Sidh, you're welcome. I'm doing great, thanks. Catching up sounds good."

She hesitated before sending, wondering if she should.

Just then, her nurse knocked on the door.

"Nurse: Doctor, your first patient is here."

Sathya composed herself.

"Sathya: Send them in."

As the nurse left, Sathya couldn't shake off the feeling that Sidh's message had stirred.

Was he genuinely interested in reconnecting?

Or was it just politeness?

Throughout the day, Sathya's mind wandered to Sidh, their past, and the what-ifs.

As the day progressed, Sathya struggled to focus on her patients, her mind constantly drifting to Sidh.

Nurse Rachel noticed Sathya's distraction. "Doctor, everything okay?"

Sathya forced a smile. "Yes, Rachel. Just a bit tired."

But Rachel's concern lingered. "If you need anything, let me know."

Sathya appreciated Rachel's kindness.

After finishing her rounds, Sathya retreated to her office.

She couldn't shake off Sidh's message.

Why did he want to catch up?

Was it genuine interest or guilt?

Sathya's phone buzzed, breaking her thoughts.

A text from Arunima:

"Arunima: Hey Sathya, how's your day?"

Sathya replied:

"Sathya: It's been better. Sidh messaged me."

Arunima's response was immediate:

"Arunima: What did he say?"

Sathya hesitated before sharing the message.

Arunima's advice followed:

"Arunima: Be cautious, Sathya. Guard your heart."

Sathya nodded to herself, knowing Arunima was right.

But her heart remained vulnerable.

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