Chapter 17

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Arielle's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to an obnoxious alarm. 7 am. I groaned and slapped the snooze button. Before I could bring my arm back, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning." Liam whispered in my ear.

"Good morning." I said back. He pulled me towards him.

"I never want to leave this bed." he said.

"I feel the same way. We don't have much of a choice though." I said and got up to open the curtains, hoping some sunlight would help wake us up. Before I could walk away from the window, Liam hugged me, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I smiled and turned around and kissed him.

"We have to get ready to go. We need to be on a plane to Germany at 8:15." I said, pulling away from him.

"Fine." he groaned.

We got everything packed and we were all ready to go. We walked outside of the hotel and made our way through the fans and into the limo. Everyone was already in it, apparently waiting for us.

"About time, you guys. These girls were a few minutes away from breaking the windows." Louis said.

"Sorry." I said. The limo drove off slowly, careful not to hit one of the many people crowding around the vehicle. 

My phone went off, notifying me of a text from Shai.

Hey Ari, get on Twitter.

I closed her message and opened Twitter. I looked at the trending topics and one read "Liam and Arielle." Another read "#IloveyouNiall". I clenched my jaw and pressed the first one. Up came a photo of Liam and I kissing in the window of the hotel an hour ago. I guess someone took a picture from outside. I scrolled down to see links to news stories on celebrity gossip websites and personalized tweets from some clearly angry fans. The names people were calling me were horrible.

I angled my phone towards me so nobody could see and pressed the hashtag. Tweets attached to the photo came up.

That slut! It's okay Niall, you don't need that b****. #IloveyouNiall

What is going on? Liam should know better. #IloveyouNiall

What did Niall ever do to deserve this?!? #IloveyouNiall

I continued to scroll, every tweet shaming Liam and/or me. I turned my phone off and put it back in my purse. 

How could I have been so selfish? I asked myself. I just brought Liam into the pit of hate with me, making him the most hated band member. It should be Niall.

"Ari? You okay?" Zayn asked. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I guess my worry showed on my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" I put on my most convincing smile and everyone returned to their conversations. Perrie began talking to me about something, but I couldn't quite pay attention. All I could think about was what I had just caused Liam to deal with.


I sat by Liam on the plane. We were on a public plane this time, which is more than okay with me. There were more fans, but we were in a closed off area so nobody got hurt. There wasn't much conversation, as I was trying to think of a way to tell him of what I had seen on my phone in the limo.

I was staring out of the window when movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. Liam was taking his phone out of his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked, rather abruptly.

"Checking Twitter?" he responded, confused by my urgent tone. I tried to think of something to say that sounded like a natural response, but had no such luck.

"Why?" I asked, sounding like I was running an interrogation.

"What's going on?" he asked me, his eyebrows furrowed. I didn't want to tell him before his show. I racked my brain for a good response, but I guess my only option was the truth.

"You're not going to like what you see." I said quietly. He looked back at his phone and opened Twitter. I watched as his face fell and his eyes glance over the hate tweets being thrown at us. He kept scrolling and after a while, he put his phone down and gave me a weak smile.

"It's okay. We knew this would happen." he said.

"I know. It's still somehow a surprise when it does. I guess I had a buried hope that people wouldn't believe a one-sided story. That people would think before they posted such hateful things. It was foolish." I said.

"I know. It still boggles my mind that nobody hated on Niall. I haven't seen any pictures of them kissing, but they were together without me. It's also a mystery that nobody had posted a picture of them kissing because they are always all over each other." 

"I know. I also just hate how it's a complete double-standard. People say that I am a slut but never question why Niall and I aren't together. It's just my fault because I'm not the band member and Niall is a cute boy. People with these opinions don't know Niall or I. We are just pigments of the media's imagination. We are like dolls. People play with us, pretend we did or said things that we didn't."

"I know. I am the bad guy for being with you as well. Little do they know, Niall cheated and I was there for you. In their minds, you broke up with him and are now out to break my heart."

"I know. It's completely unfair- hey!" I said, noticing a phone being pointed at us mid-sentence. Liam quickly looked over at a girl, probably about twelve years old, sitting in a chair across from us, slowly bringing her phone back into her lap.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked in a hushed voice.

"I'm good at sneaking into places." she said simply.

"You snuck out of your section of the plane? Why are you video taping us? That's a violation of privacy!" I said in a voice slightly louder than a whisper. "How long have you been sitting here?"

"I just got here a few minutes ago. I heard some good gossip, so I taped it." she said.

"You can't show that to anybody!" I said.

"Why wouldn't you want the hate to be on Niall instead of you? If all that you just said is true, that's what I would do. I would have told people the minute I found out he was being disloyal." 

"Because I'm not like that. I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. I wouldn't want my entire life ruined over a mistake." I said, still a hint of urgency in my voice.

"So you guys are really dating?" The girl asked, gesturing between Liam and I, as if I had never answered her previous question.

"Not the point!" Liam said. "Now just delete the video and I will give you a backstage pass or whatever you want."

"Okay. Backstage pass, then." she said expectantly.

Liam got up and walked over to Paul. He whispered something to him, pointing at the little girl.

"The name's Natalie." she called to them. Liam then walked back over to his seat.

"Paul will let you in, Natalie. Now, I would go back to your seat before you get caught if I were you." he said.

The girl ducked down and swiftly moved through the curtains separating us and the rest of the passengers.

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