Chapter 12

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Arielle's P.O.V

It was now 8:30 and I had to go meet Niall.

It will be okay, I told myself as I walked out of my bedroom.  

       I purposely didn't dress up for the occasion. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt with some flats. I didn't even bother to do anything with my hair except brush it.

"I gotta go." I told Liam and hugged him.

"Okay. Just..." he trailed off.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"Never mind." he said.

        "Liam, all I'm trying to do here is fix a friendship so maybe you can as well. I love you and I want what's best for you and fighting with your band mate every time you look at him will not get you anywhere good. I love you so much." I said, kissing him on the cheek and walking towards the door.

"I love you too." he said, and I closed the door to the suite behind me.


     I arrived at the bar about 10 minutes early. Expecting Niall wouldn't be there yet, I walked inside to sit down.

      The place loud and crowded with people dancing quite inappropriately with drinks in their hands. I was bumped into quite a few times trying to get to the counter. When I was almost there, some guy that reeked of a mixture of every kind of beer grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall.

"Why aren't you a pretty lady," he slurred.

I started trying to wrestle out of his arms when the man was yanked away. After yelling a few words at him, Niall walked towards me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I said. I never liked bars much, I just went because Niall wanted to.

We walked to the counter and ordered our drinks.

"So, ya wanna have some fun on the dance floor?" he asked.

"Niall, I thought we came here as friends." I said sternly.

"I know. You are just so uptight, especially at bars." he said.

"Especially? What's that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively.

"You can be a little on the serious side sometimes when you don't need to be." he said accusingly.

"Oh yeah? Give me two glasses." I told the bartender.

He gave us our drinks and that's when the blur of drunkenness started.


Niall and I spent the next two hours dancing and laughing.

"Come here, Ari." he said, leading me to a hallway next to the bathrooms.

"What is it?" I asked, letting him drag me there.

"I need to ask you a serious question." he looked straight into my eyes. His eyes looked as if ocean was trapped in them. "Do you still love me?"

    I didn't realize it while I was drunk, but he obviously tricked me. He knew I had a competitive side, which he used to get me to drink more. He also knew that when I get drunk, I am honest with everything I say.

       "Of course. We were with each other for four years. You can't forget about that. I miss you a lot, and I wish you didn't cheat. We could have had a family and lived happily ever after." Yep. I'm way too honest when I'm drunk.

"We can be like that again." he said.

"But I also can't forget that you cheated." I said.

After that, Niall attacked my vulnerable side of my drunkenness. He kissed me.

I pulled away and said "I'm with Liam now."

"He's not here. Don't you wanna kiss me? We can be together just for tonight." he said.

   "I don't wanna hurt him. I love him too and I know he wouldn't hurt me like you did. And in all honesty, sometimes I'm okay with the fact that you cheated on me because now I can be with Liam." I said.

     He kissed me again and this time, I didn't pull away as fast. I wanted to kiss him, I really did. In that blurry moment, I forgot about Liam and kissed Niall back.

I quickly snapped out of it and I pushed him away and ran for the doors. 

Why did I drink so much? I asked myself as I tried to call a taxi.

Niall came a minute later and tried to talk me out of leaving.

     "No, Niall. Tonight has ruined us from even being friends. I love Liam and you caused me to hurt him." I said.

"He doesn't know what happened." he said, as if that would make everything okay.

Anger rushed inside me and I slapped him in the face as hard as I could.

        "Is that what went through your mind when you cheated? What I don't know won't hurt me? Is that what you thought?" I yelled at Niall as he held his face. "I'm going to tell Liam what happened because I don't want to keep secrets from him. I want Liam and I to last."

      I turned around I got into the taxi that just pulled up. Niall tried to get in with me, but I slammed the door before he could.

"Get your own taxi." I said as the driver took off.


Liam's P.O.V

        I was sitting on the couch when I heard the door open. I turned around to see Arielle with tears running down her face.

"What's wrong baby?" I said and ran to her.

"I need to tell you something that happened tonight." she said through sobs.

I tried to stay calm, but I knew Niall tried something.

"Calm down. What is it?" I tried to say soothingly.

She took a deep breath.

"I kissed Niall." she said.

I felt like my heart had cracked.

   "He got on my competitive side by telling me I'm uptight so I drank too much, then he kissed me and I kissed back." she said quickly.

It was silent for a moment.

"Did it mean anything?" I asked.

She quickly shook her head no.

"Do you still love him?" I asked.

That time, she didn't do anything. She just stared at me. I then got up and began to walk away.

"Liam-" she started.

"I just need to think for a while." I said and walked into my bedroom and closed the door.

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