Chapter 6

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Arielle's P.O.V

        We arrived at the venue at about 5:00pm. The concert would start in two hours, and I had to go meet up with Lou to discuss outfits for the next few concerts and help get the boys ready for their show tonight.

  I found Lou in her "fashion room."

 "Hey Lou!" I said.

 "Hey Ari! Take a seat." she smiled brightly.

  I sat in the chair across from her, on the other side of her glass coffee table.

  "How have you been?" she asked politely.

  "I've been well. You?" I lied.

    "Great. Well right now we need to discuss what the boys will be wearing for their next couple shows. We would get them ready for their current concert first, but they'll just mess their hair and everything up if we did." she chuckled.

  "Right." I smiled "Where will their next concerts be?"

   She grabbed a list off the small table next to her and scanned it.

   "Looks like we will be headed up to Manchester after this, then Dublin, then we will be headed to Amsterdam." she read the dates off of the list.

  "Okay, well I know they never like to match outfits, but maybe we could keep to a common color scheme. For Dublin we could do green, and we could keep up the tradition of orange in Amsterdam."  I said.

  "That's a great idea! Let's have them all wear orange shirts in Amsterdam and maybe green snapbacks in Dublin?" she suggested.

 "That's perfect!" I said.

    We continued to discuss the outfits for the next hour, then went to get the boys all ready for their spotlight. 

"Ari!" Liam exclaimed when we walked into the boys' dressing room.

"Hey, Li. Time to get you all prettied up!" I teased, earning a smirk from him.

  I pushed the cart of outfits I was pulling with me into the dressing room. I handed Liam his outfit, which was a white t-shirt, baggy jeans and a red snapback. I then handed outfits to Zayn, Louis and Harry. I was hoping Lou would give Niall his outfit, but then it dawned on me. She doesn't know that Niall and I broke up.

  I didn't want to bring it up now, so I just set Niall's outfit on the back of the chair he was sitting on.

  "We'll leave you to change. Meet us in my fashion HQ to get your hair done ASAP." Lou said. She has a whole variety of names she calls her office.

  Liam shot out of the room about twenty seconds after we closed the door.

    "Make me beautiful!" Liam said in a mocking girly voice. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards Lou's office.

  As soon as we walked into the room, he darted towards a chair and spun around in it.

 "You're such a five-year-old." I laughed.

  He chuckled and spun the chair to face the mirror. The other boys started filing into the room. 

  "So you take Liam and Niall?" she asked. 

 I gave her a look when she said the last part.

"Okay, I'll take Niall. You take Harry." she mumbled, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

   I started with using some hair gel to smooth Liam's hair back for the snapback. I then put some powder on his face.

"Ooh this is a lovely shade." he said, again in that mocking girly voice.

"It matches your skin tone perfectly." I smiled.

  I was done fixing Harry's hair at about the same time Lou was done with the rest of the boys.

"That boy needs a haircut, doesn't he?" she said, pointing to Harry.

  "Definitely. I tried to politely suggest it, but he crossed his arms like a kindergartner and said 'no.'" I told her.

We giggled as the boys left the room to take their places. The show started in ten minutes.

"I should go get my seat next to Perrie and El." I said.

"Wait a minute. Why were you and Niall acting so weird? You weren't talking to each other. Are you fighting?" she asked, concerned.

"We....broke up." I managed.

"What? Why?" she sounded heartbroken. "I thought you guys were perfect for each other."

   "We had some differences." I said. I decided not to tell everyone what happened between us because it could ruin his reputation and career if everyone knew what he did. The less people that know, the better. I don't even know if all the boys know what exactly happened between us.

"Is it repairable?" Lou asked.

  "I'm afraid not, Lou." I said, trying not to cry. It's been two months. I shouldn't be sobbing over him anymore. Even if he was the love of my life. "See you later."

 "If you want to talk about it, I'm here." she said.

I nodded and left the room before I could shed a tear.


I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

'Cause it's you

It's you

Oh, it's you they add up to

      Liam and I kept exchanging weird faces during Little Things.  Niall seemed to be singing his heart out to Bailee, who was a few seats away from me, but he glanced at me a few times. Every time he did I turned my head. This distance from him made me want to scream, cry and hit something all at once. This pain is greater than any physical pain I have ever felt, because I know it's permanent. I will always have feelings for him and there is an indestructible wall of betrayal keeping us away from each other. How will I stand it?

      I snapped out of my trance when the song ended and the crowd erupted into applause. I clapped and screamed along. The boys said their thanks and ran off stage for the final time tonight. 

     Before we could get lost in the crowd, Perrie, Eleanor and I rushed towards the backstage area. We showed the security guard our passes and walked backstage to see the boys. I ran and gave Liam a friendly bear hug when I saw him.

  "That was awesome! And you're sweaty." I said, quickly letting go of him and rubbing my hands on his shirt.

   Liam laughed and left to go get changed for the after party. The other boys went to follow him, all except for Niall, who was too busy making out with Bailee. 

  Eleanor and Perrie took me to another room for the after party. It was decorated and there was food everywhere. My stomach grumbled.

 "Wow. I'm starving." I said, looking around the room. 

"Go ahead and dig in. Guests are arriving." El said, looking towards the door. 

   Celebrity after celebrity were filing into the room. 5SOS, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, the Jenner sisters and much more walked in.

"Wow." I said.

    Then came the fangirls. Most all of them were wearing 1D shirts and had tears/mascara running down their face. I decided to walk over there to see if I can calm them down at all.

    As soon as I got ten feet away from them I heard a girl shout "That's her! That's the b**** that broke Niall's heart!" There was a very angry looking group of girls in the corner yelling choice words at me. I turned to walk away when my body was slammed into the ground. There were fists smashing into my face and feet kicking my sides. I tried to fight back, but it was about six to one and I couldn't get all of them to stop.

     I heard shouting and whistles screeching frantically. Finally, it stopped. I opened my eyes to some security guards lifting me up and taking me to another room.  I was about to ask where we were going when I fell unconscious.

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