Chapter Eight: Rescue

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Author's Note: First of all, I'd like to GREATLY apologize for not updating. School has begun, and I've become very very busy. It's sad that I've had little time to write, write well anyways. The struggle is real. Updates with take a little longer then they were coming, and I'm sorry. Life happens. But I hope you enjoy every chapter I pop out as fast as I can! Love you all!


(Third Person POV)

Pietro paced the living room of the Tower. Dr. Helen Cho had immediately took Riley's limp body to be placed in the Cradle. The wounds had slowed their bleeding, but still the girl did not wake up after two days. Two days she'd not waken up. Two days Pietro hadn't heard her voice.

"P'yetro, you have not stopped pacing since we have returned." Wanda snapped at her brother. She sat on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands, but her nerves were on edge. "If you do not stop, I will make you."

"I should be in there." Pietro muttered, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why am I not in there?"

"She has not awoken yet. When she does, you will be the first." Wanda replied, and curled her legs up underneath her. Seeing her brother this way made her feel even worse.

"Maximoff, she should be waking up soon." Pietro froze when Steve stepped out from the room where Riley was. "She'll want you, obviously."

Before he could say anything else, Pietro was gone from the room and in the doorway. Riley was sitting up in a hospital bed, eyes closed. Pietro heart stopped as he made his way to the side of the bed. "Oh god, роза, I am so sorry. This is all my fault."


(Riley's POV)

I can hear faint crying in the room, but my eyes remain shut. It's a struggle to open them. When I do, I see Pietro at my side, tears streaming down his face. "Hey, speedy." I say, my voice cracking from it being dry.

His head shoots up from looking down at the ground, and his electric blue eyes are bloodshot. "Riley, oh thank god you are awake!" He exclaims, hugging me quickly. Pietro kisses my face everywhere, multiple times. "Are you in any pain?"

"No, just feeling a bit sore." I sigh, shaking my head. In the corner of the room I see the Cradle that Tony always talks about, and smirk. "For once I didn't have to heal myself."

"If only it was that easy, my роза." He murmurs, kissing me full on the lips, finally. "You scared the hell out of me."

"Well I'm sorry?" I chuckle with a small smile. "Can I get up?"

"Only if you feel like it." Pietro tells me sternly. I nod, and he takes my hand to help me swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand. It's not too bad. As soon as I take a step forward, however, I regret my decision. "Do you want to lay back down?"

"Not a chance, speedy." I mutter, continuing to step forward. Once I'm comfortable, I let go of his arm and walk on my own. "After I went down, what happened?"

"We had to leave." Pietro states, and I close my eyes.

"It's my fault. If I had just been watching my back-"

"Роза, it is not your fault! Do not blame yourself." Pietro growls, taking my hand in his. "Magneto is an evil bastard."

"True." I jump slightly and see Wanda come into my line of sight. "спаситель, I am so happy to see you okay."

She throws her arms around my neck and squeezes me tight. "I am too, red. Trust me, that was no fun." Pietro pinches my side when I speak sarcastically.

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