Chapter Four: The Calm

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Author's Note: Ugh, writers block sucks. The struggle is reaaaaal. Hope you guys like this one! There's a special guest near the end! ;3

It's been two months since we first saw Magneto. He's been hiding out after our fight, probably planning something bigger. Things were quiet around the Tower, but we still checked up on any leads to Magneto's whereabouts.

"What do you want to do today?" Wanda asks me, smiling arms from across the kitchen bar. We'd be hanging out and doing stuff a lot lately, really bonding.

"Can we not just have a movie marathon, I do not feel like going anywhere." I groan and clutch my stomach as another cramp washes over me. Stupid uterus. Why can't Mother Nature just send me a gift for not being pregnant?

"Sounds perfect, спаситель."
She nods before handing me a cup of raspberry tea. It's said to help cramps, but lord knows that they'll just come back tomorrow. Luckily, I haven't thrown up as usual.

We walk back to her room, because I still have yet to unpack everything from my old apartment. I have all my clothes out and all my important stuff out; but decorations and things are another concept. Boxes are stacked up in my room.

I grab one of my favorites from her movie shelf, which I put together much of, and open the DVD player. "Hunger Games again?" She questions, shaking her head. "I swear it is like you try to be Katniss."

"Well, no, but she's a very good role model." I point out before laying down on the couch. I curl up into a tight ball while Wanda lets me rest my head in her lap. She plays with my hair while we start the movie.

"So, have you spoken to Pietro?" I roll my eyes. This is a daily question with her. Of course I've talked to him.

"Yes. I'm not avoiding him." I reply, rubbing my lower stomach. It was true, I saw him usually from nine o'clock at night to ten o'clock or earlier in the morning, plus randomly bumping into him.

"Have you-"

"No, we haven't talked about our almost kiss. Before you ask the next question, no we haven't actually kissed." I murmur, watching as Katniss volunteers for Prim. "Don't get your hopes up, Red."

I'd been calling her Red since her powers show up red. "I'm not getting my hopes up, but I do hope that you two are happy. My brother isn't as happy as he would like to be."

I don't reply, instead I watch the movie. About halfway into it, I'm dead asleep. Pietro was on an assignment to check up on a suspicious activity possibly pertaining to Magneto, and didn't make it home till this morning. Therefore, I didn't sleep at all.

When Wanda slowly wakes me up, it's five o'clock in the afternoon. "How long was I out?" I question groggily. Glancing at the clock, I groan. "Too long."

"You seemed like you needed the rest, спаситель." She whispers, brushing a strand of my hair from my face. "You haven't been sleeping, have you?"

"Only when Pietro is with me." I tell her honestly. "He helps me sleep, and I help him as well."

"I know, he told me. Without sleeping in the same room, it was getting hard to keep his nightmares at bay with my powers." She sighs and rubs my aching back. "I'm glad he has you, and you him."

A knock at the door makes Wanda stand up. She answers, and I see Vision. "Are you ready to eat?"

"Um, Riley slept on my couch and just woke up." Wanda lets him in, and I give him a small wave. "Riley-"

"No, you go right ahead, Red. I'll go back to my room and shower." I wave my hand and stand up. When I pass by her, I lean in close. "You have him, now keep him."

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