Chapter Two: Siren

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Chapter Two

(Riley's POV)

I go to roll over in bed, but find myself trapped in place by arms. My eyes flutter open, and I see Pietro's face. What the-

"Роза, you are awake. How are you feeling?" He asks me quietly, pushing hair out of my face, pausing his hand on my cheek. His thumb rubs small lines on my skin, and for a moment I just close my eyes and don't say anything. When his hand leaves my face, my eyes fly open. "I'm sorry, that is something that I do with Wanda to calm her down."

"I-It's okay. It helped m-me." I stumble over my words as I blush at how close he is. In my bed. With me. "Not to be rude, but why are you here?"

"I didn't think you should be sleeping alone with your lock broken. If someone had tried to break in-"

"You'd break their face?" I joke, and he smiles. Typical.

"Da, I would break their face." Pietro responds, going to touch my cheek again. This time, he stops. "Is this okay?"

"Yes, it's okay." I murmur, and smile when his hand touches my cheek. The heat from his palm radiates through my body.

"We should go to the Avenger's Tower. You can not live here any longer, роза." He states, moving to get out of the bed. I follow him and roll out.

"Hey! It's not so bad." I defend. Then, I sigh. "Expect for the random break ins every couple of months. Nothing I can't handle."

"Captain Rogers has already said you can stay at the Tower." Pietro tells me, and before I can butt in, he places his hand over my mouth. "No objections."

In only a matter of seconds, I'm surrounded by boxes. All my stuff is gone. "Pietro! Did you just pack all of my things?" I question, running over to a box and opening it.

"Well, not all of it, роза." I turn to find him smirking and holding up a pair of pink, lacy underwear. My underwear to be exact.

"I swear to God if you do not put those back where you-"

In a flash he's gone and back without my underwear, but a box instead. "There. All your delicates are sealed away." He smirks again, and I laugh.

"I don't trust you, speedy." I tease, circling around him. Sure enough, the same pink lace is hanging from his back pocket. "Well well, look what we have here."

I pluck the fabric from his pocket and raise an eyebrow at him. "What? How did that get there?" He acts innocent, but I laugh and stick my tongue out at him.

"Alright, I'll call for a cab." I say, starting to walk to the door. "I can get my stuff later."

"Who says we need a taxi?" Pietro asks, swooping me up bridal style, and winking before taking off pull speed ahead.

It's like nothing I've ever experienced before. My hair is blowing behind me, Pietro's plastered to his face. Everything around is a blur. It's like the first day I met him. Just us two, the rest of the world a blur.

I don't realize I'm staring at him until he looks down a grins at me. Cheeky bastard. He stops suddenly, and I realize we are in the Tower. Wanda bounds out from a doorway to meet us, giving Pietro a quick peck on the cheek and a hug to me.

"P'yetro, where are all her things? You said that she was going to live here." Wanda's lower lip juts out, and Pietro pinches her chin. My heart hurts at the show of sibling love.

"Wanda, who is this?" I look back to the doorway to see a man with a gold cape. His skin is purple and he has metal pieces in random places on his body. "I'm Vision. I'm an android."

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