Chapter Fourteen: Contrast

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(Third Person POV)

"They will find me." A bloody and bruised Pietro threatens, his voice weak. Pyro cracks his knuckles with a wicked grin on his face, Pietro's blood almost dripping off of his hands. "You can't win this."

"Oh, but we can." Magneto chuckles, stepping out of the shadows. "We will win because we are not alone. Your precious Riley might be powerful, but we have found someone who can beat her with ease. Unlike my ally, the water wielder is too pure at heart. She cannot take the actions needed."

"You're right. You're right, but that doesn't make her weak. That makes her better than you, ублюдок." Pietro spits at the old man's feet, and suddenly finds himself facing Pyro's fire surrounding him.

"Let's hope they rescue you in time, Maximoff." Pyro cackles loudly, and flames engulf the room.


(Riley's POV)

I open my eyes to find myself surrounded by glass walls. Confused, I stand up and tap on it. The room I am in looks familiar, but my brain can't wrap around it. "You're still in Stark Tower, kiddo." Tony's voice comes through FRIDAY's speakers, sending chills through my spine.

"I'm in one of the prisoner cells, Stark. What in the world is this?" I growl, slamming my fist against the glass to no effect. "Why am I in here?"

"We're heading out to search for Pietro, but you can't come with us."

"To hell I can't!! Tony, let me out of here!" I exclaim, hitting the glass harder than last time. "Tony!"

"I'm sorry, Riley." Finally, his voice is gone, and I'm left screaming and throwing myself against the glass. Nothing helps to break it.


(Third Person POV)

"I'm going to take care of her." A woman says, crossing her arms.

"No, it is too dangerous." Magneto objects. "I will not have one of my most powerful allies go in there without knowing everything."

"The Avengers are leaving the tower, Riley is being left behind, that is all I need to know thanks to Mystique's surveillance she had set up."

"Fine. Go." The woman is gone in a cloud of smoke and ash, leaving Magneto alone.


(Riley's POV)

For hours, I sit alone in the glass cage. I tried water, my scream, anything; but the glass wouldn't break. I'd stopped trying after the third hour, and instead, sat down to await any news. Hell, it would've been nice for someone to leave my magazines.

"Are you giving up that easy, child?" I jump to my feet at the sound of a woman's voice. It wasn't familiar, and sounds almost like a crackling fire. "I'm very disappointed."

After doing a complete 360 degree spin, I try and find the person to no avail. "Show yourself." I hiss, still turning around.

"What fun would that be?"

"Coward!" I yell, hitting the glass. I'm vulnerable, not able to fight, and I have no backup. "FRIDAY, contact Tony."

"Communications unavailable." FRIDAY replies.

"Try to contact Steve."

"Communication unavailable."


"Poor, poor little girl. Your team left you all alone, without any way to contact them." That voice sent panic through my bones. It didn't feel right: nothing about this felt right. I was starting to grow warm, sweat beginning to appear on my forehead.

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