Chapter Twelve: Darkness

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(Riley's POV)

"Riley, please, you have to eat."

"Riley, you should go to sleep."

"Riley, a shower would feel good."

Riley this, Riley that. It's nonstop, and I'm sick of it. As soon as the next person comes to my door, I slam it shut in their face. I hear Clint sigh, before his footsteps fade. I couldn't handle another glance filled with pity.

The only people that have been allowed in and out of my room are Pietro and Wanda. They know what it's like to lose your family. What you feel inside after that.

Except I don't feel empty, I feel the need for revenge.

After a few days of hiding in my room, I get up out of bed, leaving a sleeping Pietro, and head to the training room at two in the morning. No one should be up and training at this time, maybe Bucky but I pass his room and I can hear the snores.

Once I get to the training room, I walk over to the setting panel on the wall and pick out the scenario I want. Almost immediately, the lights dim and blue, human-like holograms appear on the floor. I dive behind a giant block set up in the room, and watch as holes open up in the floor and fill with water.

Quietly, I scale the side of the tall block in behind, and get to the top. Unfortunately, there's a sentry there, watching over the entire floor. I create a sword out of ice, and as I come up behind the hologram, I slice it in half, before jumping down from the block and doing a landing roll towards another hologram. It sees me automatically, but instead of cutting it down, I move water from the holes and create a wave to smash into it.

Suddenly I'm surrounded by them. I bring the water around me and form a circle, before creating tentacles to take down the holograms. For every one I take down, it seems that they multiply. "Great." I mutter to myself, a sweat forming on my body. My head is pounding, and my ears are ringing. I feel like I'm going to explode.

So I scream.


(Third Person POV)

Logan wakes up in a cold sweat. The sound of high pitched screaming rings in his ears. The one question running through his mind was if it was real. He throws off the covers, puts on a shirt, and leaves his room.

He wanders the building until he comes upon the training room. A small hurricane made of water has formed in the center of the room, and as if automatically, he rushes in to see what caused it. In the eye of the hurricane, he sees a girl. When their eyes connect, the girl's eyes narrow. "Shit."

The water lashes out at him, cutting his chest. As he tries to block the water with his claws, another whip hits his thigh, knocking him down in the process. "Who the hell are you?" The girl's voice is odd. It's as if it comes from underwater, but it also sounds like the hurricane that has now dissipated. "What do you want?"

It doesn't stop. The girl doesn't stop. Every inch of Logan is cut and bleeding, but slowly healing. "My name is Logan! I came here to help!"

"Get. Out." The girl snarls.

Suddenly, a blur comes in the room, and Pietro skids to a stop in front of Logan. "Riley! Riley stop!" Pietro screams desperately.


(Riley's POV)

The water drowning my mind clears, and so does the water surrounding me. The first thing that I see is Pietro with a cut across his face, and a strange man standing beside him with three times as many. I fall to my knees, but when Pietro comes to help me I shake my head. "Stay away from me."

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