Ch. 28: Date Night Part 1

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Later that night, Verosika pulled up to the hotel in her favorite car. Her pink Mustang GT, Hell edition.

She was dressed to impress or more likely fluster Velvette. Choosing a rather "Jessica Rabbit" type sparkling dress in black, a white fur coat, and her signature heel boots with her hair in a long ponytail. She looked her mirror and smooched a bit, showing her black lipstick off tol.

'Oh, we're so fucking tonight. There's no way Velvette's going to able to resist me.' Verosika thought with a smile and wink.

Opening the door, Verosika walked out of her car and to the hotel doors. She pushed the door bell and waited for someone to answer.

A minute later, a smiling Emily opened the door to greet her.

"Hey, Verosika! You look great!" She said.

"Thanks, I try my best." Veroiska said, putting a hand om her hip. "Is Vel ready yet?"

"Almost and Velvette is so excited for tonight! Just wait here for a minute and I'll get her!" Emily said before shutting the door.

Verosika pulled out her phone to check her social media, only to stop when she could hear a faint conversation happening behind the door while also hearing floor scretching.

"I don't care if you're nervous, Verosika is waiting at the door! Get out there and go to that club or else I'll lock you in a room with a caffeinated and sugar high Niffty!" Emily whisper shouted.

"You're bluffing! You wouldn't dare!" Velvette whisper replied.

"Oh I would! Even Alastor calls this punishment "cruel and unusual!" Now get out there before I pull you apart and scatter your limbs across all of hell!" Emily whisper shouted befofe the floor screeching stopped.

'Sounds like last minute nerves.' Verosiak thought as she put her phone away.

The door was then opened and Velvette was standing there. And similar to Verosika, she was dressed up for a night at the club. Wearing a black dress with a heart motif in the chest, skull shaped earrings, a white doily necklace(?), black gloves that reached up to her shoulders, and black pump boots that reached below her knees.

Plus her hair had been done with Emily's "help" and dyed a bit of have some dark blue as it reached her shoulders.

Plus her hair had been done with Emily's "help" and dyed a bit of have some dark blue as it reached her shoulders

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(Credit goes to

'Damn, and I thought I was the succubus.' Verosika thought, blushing a small bit from hiw HAWT Velvette looked right now.

"Y-You look nice, Verosika." Velvette said, taking a glance at Verosika before looking away with a yellow blush.

"Back at you, sweetie." Verosika said with a grin, cocking her hips. "Ready for a night of pleasure?"

"Uh, I guess b-but I think I'll just stick to the bar." Velvette said, walking to the car.

Right before Verosika hooked her arm around Velvette's waist, making Velvette blush massively. Her entire face was turning gold in seconds.

"Out of the question, cutie. I promised to show you a good time and that's what I'll do." Verosika said, leading Velvette to her car.

"I-I-I-I still dont know." Velvette stuttwrwd as Verosika smiled at her.

Smiled in a way that Verosika didn't even understand. Almost as if her smile was "familiar" to her. Like she was-

'It's.. it's not like it's real love, it's... I'm a succubus, I don't fall in love.' She thought, denying the "familiartiy" of the smile.

"Uh... are you okay?" Velvette asked, shaking Verosika from her thoughts. "You're staring at me."

"Oh... yeah... just love your blush." Verosika said, "The angel blood makes your blush look even more cute."

"Y-You're just saying that. I'm not that cute." Velvette said as she got in the passenger side of the car.

"I don't know, you look pretty cute to me." Verosika said.

'Especially that cute little ass in that dress.' Verosika thought as she got in the driver's seat.

Velvette looked like a blushing mess and she didn't know what to think, her mind was in a panic and telling her she was too gay for any of this. If she could, she would have a stroke from how fast her heart was racing right now.

'This night is going to be a disaster.' She thought as Verosika drove off to the club.

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