She lays me on the bed aggressively, I sit there my heart beating through my chest. She clears her throat, "I'm gonna go shower, be ready for me when I come back". She smirks at me, I nod as she exits the room. I lay my head down on the bed looking up at the ceiling, she's about to fuck me and I can't wait. It's been about 15 minutes, I snatched my clothes off laying there waiting for her. She walks in with her silk robe on and she walks over to me.
"Sit up". I nod and I sit up, she scoots me closer and stands in between my legs. I look at her and she stares at me. She grabs my neck and leans in with her breath closer to my neck. She starts doing soft kisses and I moan softly. She makes her way down to my breasts, "you sound so good when you moan mama". I smirk a little, she starts kissing my breasts softly teasing my nipple with her tongue.
"Yes... Tiffany. Don't stop". She lets go of my neck and smirks at me. "Bend over, I'll be back". I bend over arching my back slightly as I wait for her to come back.
I go into my closet putting on my strap, I put on my cow girl hat and the bra to match. I grab the body mirror placing it across from my bed. I watch Kamala just stay in that position and I smirk slightly. I walk over to Kamala and I grab her hair aggressively, she gasps a little.
"You ready?". I say in a low seductive tone. She clears her throat, "Yes.. yes I'm ready". I smirk, I slide my plastic d*ck inside of her very slowly. I can see her gripping the sheets a little. I clear my throat, "Look into that mirror and if you look away I'm gonna stop. Understand?". She doesn't say anything. I grip her hair a little, "Do you understand me Kamala?". She gasps a little, "yes.. I understand". I smirk.
I started pumping my fake d*ck in and out of her, she grips the sheets tighter. "Kamala. Look into that mirror". She looks into the mirror gasping as I pump in and out of her. "Who's pussy is this?". She grips the sheets tighter as she let out a loud moan, "fuck..". I chuckle a little bit, I speed up faster pumping in and out of her. "Tiffany.. it's yours". She says in a seductive tone. I chuckle a little, "I like the sound of that mama". I slow down a little going back to my normal pace.
"Are you gonna leave Doug alone for good?". I pump in and out of her giving slow strokes. She swallows her saliva. "Yes.. I'm gonna leave him alone for good". I tilt my head slightly, I turn her around facing me. She looks at me in confusion by the sudden change. I go even faster than before staring directly into her soul. "Be honest with me Kamala.. are you gonna leave Doug alone for good". She moans loudly as she keeps the eye contact, "Yes.. yes baby I'm gonna leave him alone for good, please keep going". I smirk. I liked the way she said it this time. I lean in closer as I go faster pumping in and out of her, she gasps for air as I kiss her deeply. She moans, "fuck.. I'm gonna cum baby". I stare into her eyes deeply, "cum for me mama".
She ends up squirting instead, I step back taking it out of her watching her juices fly everywhere. "Good girl". She breathes heavily and her body is warm and her nipples are hard.
Saturday MorningI wake up with the sun beaming through my room. I look over Kamala is sound asleep, looks like I did good last night. I turn over facing her, I pull her hair out of her face and I place a nice peck on her forehead. She doesn't move or anything she just stays in the same spot. I lay there for a second just admiring her beauty. Then I start to think about something. Are we ever gonna do stuff other than sex?. I feel like we are completely attracted to each other physically but not mentally. And if we can't do anything other than sex would this be the end of the road for us?. If she divorces Doug are we gonna get inna relationship? Or is she gonna just hide me to protect her image?. I don't but I just have so many un answered questions, I'll talk to her about it when she wakes up.
Before I could turn back over I see her opening her eyes. I stare at her not saying anything just staying silent. "Good morning baby.. have you been staring at me while i was sleep?". I laugh a little, "yeah.. I was. And good morning to you as well". She stares at me like she's trying to read my mind. She clears her throat, "what's on your mind Tiffany?". I shift in bed slightly and I sigh. "It's just a lot I wanna ask you". She nods waiting for me to say something.
"Are we gonna ever do other things besides having sex?". She's taken aback from what I said. But she places her hand on my face. "I never thought about that..". I nod slightly, "if we both want to be in a relationship. We gotta start going on dates and just hanging out instead of just being cooped up in the house fucking all the time". She chuckles a little but she nod's understanding me.
"Are we ever gonna get in a relationship when you and Doug divorce? or is this gonna be a secret". Kamala stays silent for a while and she doesn't lose the eye contact. I stare at her in silence waiting for an answer. She clears her throat, "I know when this divorce gets out there, they're gonna want to ask me questions and I'm sure I'm gonna tell them what we are when that time comes". I smile a little hoping she's actually gonna do it. I really love her and I want her badly I can't do anything without her and I surely don't wanna lose her. "Okay Kamala". She brings me in closely and kisses my lips softly. I smile and I kiss her back.
I ended up falling back asleep, I woke up around 10am to the smell of buttery pancakes. I grab my robe and my slippers and I make my way to the kitchen. I see Kamala standing there in her apron, a white button up and some black jeans. I stare at her perfectly shaped body, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She turns around and smirks at me while she's putting our food on the plates. "I see you finally woke up again". I laugh a little walking over to the table. "I was still a little tired from last night". She smirks at me not saying anything. We eat our food enjoying the silence, it felt so peaceful being around her.
I started sipping my coffee looking out at the balcony watching the birds chirp. I look over and Kamala's phone is ringing. Kamala grabs it and checks to see who it is of course it's Doug. I ignore it and and continue drinking my coffee. Kamala walks out of the kitchen going straight to the bedroom. I guess what they're talking about is too private.
I grab our plates and I start washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen. My phone rings and it's Bonnie. "Heyy Bonnie". She says excitedly, "Heyy tiff wedding is next week I need you and Kamala flying Friday night". I smile, "okay I'll relay that message". The call gets silent, "And also you're gonna be my bridesmaid". I drop the rag and the plate in the sink, my eyes widen and I jump with joy. "Omg thank you so much Bonnie, I'm so excited I'm just so fucking happy". Bonnie giggles through the phone.
"I'm glad you're happy tiff, but I do have to go i just wanted to relay the message". I smile, "okay thanks bon bon". The call ends there. I finish cleaning and I walk straight to the bedroom. I see Kamala sitting on the bed working on a few papers and she has her headphones in I'm sure she's on a call. I go into the closet grabbing my workout clothes and my shoes. I grab a pair of lace panties and the bra to match. Kamala smirks a little, I didn't say anything. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower. I came back into the room Kamala was still on the phone, i changed into my clothes. I clear my throat, "can you mute them for a second?". Kamala shakes her head no, I nod and I grab my keys.
I go for my 30 minute run, as I take a break sitting on the bench. I look over and I see Millie and Doug together. I see them hugging and kissing, I snap a few pictures. Even if Kamala wouldn't have divorced him, he would've continued to still have a thing with Millie.
I end up getting up from the bench and I go for a walk, I walk right past them and Millie calls out my name. I turn around and smile, "What's up?". Millie runs her hand through her hair. "Can you not tell Kamala you seen us.. please?". I chuckle a little. It's silent and all you hear is the birds chirping. I clear my throat, "I don't know why you keep sleeping with Doug. He recently kissed Kamala, I Don't think that this little "relationship" will last long, i promise you it wont".
I watch both of their mouths drop then I continue going for my walk.
Authors noteHow y'all feel about this chapter?👀
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